Some Bible Ways
The word “way” is used hundreds of times in the Word of God. If it is used that many times it must have special significance. There are several ways in the Bible that we should think together about for a few minutes.
I. The Way of Jacob’s Ladder- See John 1:51. In reference to Jacob’s ladder Jesus said, “Hereafter, ye shall see Heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.” Jacob in his dream saw a ladder reaching up into the heavens. The ladder was the way up. By way of application, the Lord Jesus is the way up to heaven and we know He will return one day first to rapture, then seven years later to touch the Mount of Olilves.
II. The Way Into the Holiest- Heb. 9:8 refers to “the way into the holiest.” In the Holy of Holies was the Ark of the Covenant and the Mercy Seat. The Holiest of all was separated from it by a thick curtain or a veil. No one could enter behind the veil but the priest one time a year, on the Day of Atonement. The Way into the Holiest of All was opened up by the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
III. The Way of Holiness- Look at Isaiah 35:8. Fools are not interested in the highway of holiness, for they desire to travel some other way. The path of destruction is very much in use. The highway of holiness is a highway for those who are cleansed, who are ransomed, who have joy, and those which have a song. The saved walk in this highway, proving the reality of their faith in Christ.
IV. The New and Living Way- Consider Heb. 10:20. The veil through which we have entered in is the flesh of Christ. It is called a “new” or “fleshly slain” way. We draw near by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ (Eph. 2:13). The word “living” simply suggests one is not dead but alive. The cross never gets old because Jesus ever lives to make intercession for the saints according to the will of God (Heb. 7:25).
V. The Way of God- How can we describe the “way of God?” It is a perfect way (Psm. 10:12), a right way (Psm. 107:7), a way of His testimonies (Psm. 119:14), an everlasting way (Psm. 130:24), a way of peace (Isa. 59:8) and a way of salvation (Acts 16:17).
VI. The Way of the Wicked- The Bible says, “The way of the transgressor is hard (Prov.13:15). It is the way of death (Jer.21:8), the way of folly (Ps.49:13),and the way of darkness (Prov.4:19). The way of the wicked leads to hell (Prov.7:27). We had better make sure we are in the right way!
A Sermons from Dr. Tom Walker
