Mini-Sermon From Dr. Tom Walker
Because of His Resurrection Jesus said in Jn. 14:19, “Because I live, ye shall live also.”
Unless we are living when Jesus comes, you can rest assured you have an appointment with death. Hebrews 9:27 says, “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.” We do not know how death will come our way and that is not the major concern. It is whether we are ready or not for death in a spiritual sense that really matters. A. I do not fear death because my sins are gone. They are in the sea of God’s forgetfulness and will not ever be held against me before God. B I do not fear death because the sting is gone. The word “sting” is only used twice in the Bible (I Cor. 15:55,56). It is sin that puts a sting in death. But, if the sins are taken care of in the blood of Christ, then there is no sin issue as far as our standing before God goes. The “ouch” has disappeared to those who have put their faith in Christ. C. I do not fear death because the separation is gone. I was separated from God (Eph. 2:17)but now I have been made nigh by faith in the blood of Christ.
None of us knows what a day may bring forth in our lives. Instead of fearing the future, we live a day at a time, trusting God to provide the needs of each single day. A. I don’t fear the future because He is constant (Heb. 13:5). He is the unchanging God in His nature, His power and His purposes. The Lord will remain the same. B. Because the Lord is competent I am not afraid of the future. God is able to sustain His people. It is not just that He wants to, He is fully able to do so. He has all power in heaven and in the earth (Matt.28:18). C. Because the Lord is comforting, I do not fear the future (Jn. 14:18). Whatever may come our way, the Lord is able to comfort, give a sense of well being, and to give rest in spite of whatever we may face.
Since I am a child of God, with a living, ever present, ever caring Savior, I am not afraid of what lies in the afterworld because of what I have read in the Bible. This is all hinged on the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. I have read about heaven in Rev.Chs. 21 and 22. A. It is a place of bliss (gladness, happiness, joy and rapture). B. It is a place of beauty (elegance, exquisiteness, fascination, and loveliness). C. It is also a place of bountifulness. There will be no one in heaven who will ever want for anything again while eternal ages roll. This is all true because our Lord arose and went to prepare a place for His children (Jn. 14:1-3). |