Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

The Candy Cane Sermon

Isa.53:5 says, "But he was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed." Jesus often taught spiritual lessons by referring to various objects or animals. In Matt.6, He told the troubled disciples to look at the birds and also at the lilies. I want to encourage you to look at the candy cane to find spiritual truths that will help us this Christmas season. There are several that stood out to me when I thought about one of the world’s symbols for Christmas, the candy cane.

I. It Can Speak Of Sin. If you will notice the candy cane is normally crooked in shape. That is the way every person born of Adam’s race is also ( Ps.58:3; 51:5; Rom.3:23). You do not have to teach a baby to lie, you must work at teaching it to speak the truth. According to Rom. 5:12, all of humanity has sinned. All are born in sin, many are controlled by sin, and many will be doomed by the sin of unbelief.

II. It Can Speak Of The Shepherds. If you look at the candy cane as it stands upright, it resembles the shepherds staff. First, they were lowly shepherds. Among many circles, shepherds were viewed as unclean and lowly, but God came to the lowly. Secondly, they were looking shepherds. They looked at the sheep, the glory, the angel that spake and the heavenly host. Then, there is a life giving Shepherd, the Lord Jesus.

III. It Can Speak Of Sacrifice. The red stripe speaks of the blood of Jesus Christ that was shed for sinners (Isa. 53:5). It is a precious, potent, and procuring blood.

IV. It Can Speak Of Sharing. The color "white" speaks of righteousness. We are made the righteousness of God (2Cor.5:21) when we receive Christ as Lord and Savior.

V. It Can Speak Of The Savior. Upside down it is letter "J."

VI. It Can Speak Of Sweetness. We are invited in the Bible to "taste" and see that the Lord is good(Ps.34:8). Candy is sweet.


Mini-Sermon From
Dr. Tom Walker


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