Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

The Kind Of Faith You Need

1 Peter 1:7 says, "That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ." As you read your Bible it becomes evident that true saving faith is something that is needful and works. We need the kind of faith that can provide us help up in the storms and difficulties of life. It does not hurt for the right kind of faith to be tried. If it is genuine, it will hold up, even when everything else in our lives seems to want to pull us down and divert us from the main business of loving and serving God. The kind of faith you and I need will meet every need we face. I am going to use the instance of Abraham and his call to say a few things for you to consider (Heb.11:8). Here is what the right kind of faith will do for you in life.

I. It Will Move You In- The Bible tells us that we are made righteous as we exert our faith in the Son of God. That is called the "righteousness of faith" in the Bible (Rom.4:11). According to Romans 10:10, we "believe unto righteousness." First, there is the Person of our faith. Saving faith is in the right person, the Lord Jesus Christ (Jn. 1:12). Also, there is the procurement of our faith, which is righteousness (Rom.4:11). Unbelievers will wind up in hell.

II. It Will Move You Out- Heb.11:8 declares that Abraham, "went out." Faith moved Abraham out in obedience to the command of God. His faith was a strong faith because God did not give him very much information when He told Abraham to go out on a journey. If I am taking a trip I like to know where I am going. You do not always know that immediately in the spiritual realm, you simply walk with God. Abraham did not know the location or direction where he was going; he moved by the Word of God–then God guided and provided.

III. It Will Move You On- Sarah was not supposed to be able to have a child due to her age. God overcame that obstacle (Heb.11:11). Faith will move you on in spite of hurdles, hindrances, and hangups.

IV. It Will Move You Up- Abraham looked for a heavenly city that through faith would one day be his (Heb.11:10). According to Rev.21-22, it is a beautiful, breathtaking, bountiful and blessed city. It is the "big house" that our heavenly Boaz, Jesus, will take us to one day.

Sermon From Dr. Tom Walker


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