Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

"Now’s Of The Bible"


The little word "now" is a very interesting word. Most of the time the word means, "at the present moment of time or without further delay." The Holy Spirit of God moved the writers of the Bible to use that little word quite often throughout the Bible. It would be impossible in these few words that I must use, to deal with them all. I am going to give you some of the "nows" that are found in the Bible.

I. The "Now" Of Salvation. See 2 Cor.6:2. One is not wise to procrastinate or put off personal salvation. He can wait until it is too late to be saved. We should be saved now because life is passing and also because Jesus is calling. Every time a person rejects Jesus, it will probably be harder for them to be saved at a later date. That is why God says through the Apostle, "Now is the day of salvation."

II. The "Now" Of Security. See Jude 1:24. The Bible declares that Christ is able to keep the believer from falling and failing. We are secured in God’s bounty, through Christ’s blood, and through the Spirits’ sealing. You do not have to wait until you get to heaven to sense security; it is the present birthright of every child of God.

III. The "Now" Of Serenity. See Rom. 15:13. We are told in this verse that God fills us with joy and peace as we believe. There is divine, sweet peace from God that every child of God can enjoy in some of the most trying of circumstances. He is the God of peace. Peace lets you know all is well because God is in control.

IV. The "Now" Of Son-ship. See I John 3:2. We are told that we are "now" the sons of God. Thank God we can know that we have been born from above and that we are children of God. According to this verse the power of the Holy Ghost is one of the main reasons why we can be assured. Don’t come short of spiritual rights!

VI. The "Now" Of Sacrifice. See Heb. 9:26. It is in these last days, which began with the 1st coming of Christ, that we know the Savior came to be the sin sacrifice for the whole world. It is through Christ’s work at Calvary that we can approach the Father in heaven.

VII. The "Now" Of Stubbornness. See 2 Tim. 3:8. It refers to Jannes and Jambres who withstood Moses. When they stood against God’s man who spoke the truth to them, then it was just as though they were fighting God, when they fought God’s representatives.


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