Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

Tempted Yet Victorious


Luke 4:13 speaks of Jesus’ temptation being over and his victory over the Devil. We will be tempted in life through many various means. Thank God, we do not have to fall prey to various temptations! 1.Angels were tempted and one third of the angels fell with Satan in eternity past. 2. Eve was tempted and was deceived in the transgression (1 Tim.2:14). 3. Jesus Himself was tempted by the devil but did not succumb to the devils efforts to trick Him (Mk.1:12-13). Each day holds its own temptations for us. There are temptations to think the wrong thoughts, do the wrong deeds, say the wrong words and want the wrong things. God will give us adequate supplies and strength to do what is right. Let’s think about temptation.

I. Definition Of Temptation- The word in the Greek N.T. is the word "peirazo." The word most often is rendered "tempt." It most often comes in the form of an enticement or solicitation to sin. It is not sinful to be tempted, however, if you handle the temptation wrongly it will lead to sin in your personal life. Jesus in his temptation proved His own sinlessness and character.

II. Inclinations In Temptation- What forces work upon us to bring about an enticement to sin? The allurement to sin certainly does not come from Holy God. First, the system is involved, which is called the world(1 Jn. 2:15). It is that system that is all around us that is in rebellion to the rule and authority of God over our lives. Secondly, the sin nature is involved (Gal.5:17-21 & James 1:13-15). Thirdly, Satan is involved (Gen.3:1). We are bombarded by all three every day!

III. Information About Temptation- First, it is proportionate. God will not tempt us beyond our strength that comes from Him (2 Cor.10:3). Secondly, it is powerless, that is, when we see Jesus as our living helper and rely upon Him (Heb.2:17-18; Heb.4:15-16). God can keep us from falling (Psalm 37:23,24; Jude 24). Thirdly, it is prayer accompanied . Christ prays for us when we are tempted (Lk.22:31,32).

Also see Heb. 7:25. Temptation does not have to defeat us.

IV. Frustration Of Temptation- How can we frustrate our temptations? First, use the Word of God (Heb. 4:12)–for Jesus did in Matthew 4. Also, use the weapon of Prayer (Matt.26:41; 6:13). Though we are all tempted, we can all be victorious in the Lord Jesus.


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