SUBJECT: The Word of Forgiveness READING: Luke 23:33-38 TEXT: "...Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do..." (23:34). Introduction: The words of the Lord Jesus as He hung upon the cross are precious. Spikes had been hammered through His quivering flesh; the instrument of torture had been raised and allowed to fall into its receptacle with such a jolt that all His bones were out of joint; He had been spat upon; His body had been lacerated with Roman whips; yet in excruciating pain the first words that fell from his lips were those of forgiveness-"...Father, forgive them..." (23:34). Here we see: I. The Prayer of Forgiving Love (23:34) 1) The Submissiveness of His Petition (23:34) 2) The Inclusiveness of His Intention (23:34) 3) The Redemptiveness of His Contention (23:34) II. The Power of Forgiving Love (23:34) 1) It Is Magnetic (23:40-43, 47) 2) It Is Dynamic (23:43-43) III. The Pattern of Forgiving Love (23:34) 1) There Is a Cross that We Must Bear (23:34) 2) There Is a Christ that We Must Share (23:34) Conclusion: Peter tells us, "Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example..." (1 Pet. 2:21). He is the Pattern of forgiving love.May we exemplify that power by forgiving others in love. |