Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure.

TEXT: Jude 17-25


As we approach the close of Jude's epistle, we can now see the entire picture. He began with the intention of writing on the "common salvation." He felt burdened instead to write and exhort them to "contend for the faith once delivered to the saints" (V3). He has warned them of false teachers that have crept into their congregation unaware and are leading them to turn away from the faith. These apostate teachers are taking advantage of them for their own profit. Jude reminded them in verses 14-16 that God was still in charge and that He would triumph in the end.

Meanwhile, he closes the letter with some common sense advice that will help them to be able to avoid being led astray. An ounce of prevention is always worth a pound of cure. Several things stand out to these closing
verses that can be good advice for all of us.

He warns them not to take lightly what they have heard from God's men in days gone by. They had been warned before hand. When we begin to take lightly what we've heard in years gone by, we are in danger. Jude is saying, "You were warned by the apostles years ago that people
like this would show up... now they're here... these are they!"

Almost 2,000 years ago Paul gave the New Testament church a similar warning. (II Tim. 3)

"Building up yourselves" probably refers to church as well as individuals. All Christians need a spiritual body building program. How do you do it? Two things stand out.

A. Your most holy faith. V-20

How does your faith grow? "Faith cometh by hearing, and
hearing by the word." Our faith comes when we find out what God says.

B. Praying in the Holy Ghost. V-20 How do you pray in the Holy Ghost? It means to pray according to the leading of the Spirit. The Word and prayer go together.

(1) The Bible without prayer is light without power.

(2) Prayer without the Word is zeal without

We are to continue in His love, to guard that fellowship with Him each day. This could be compared to a husband/wife relationship. Both must put forth an effort to express and show love for on another.
Looking for the mercy of the Lord. V-21 He encourages them to keep looking up. To keep their eyes turned upward! We should never forget that the Lord will one day return and our problems will then be solved.

He refers to several different kinds of people they were to show concern for.

A. Probably some were doubting. V-22

Unstable souls - some who were saved but not grounded tin the faith. They were to have mercy and compassion on those who were on the verge of being led astray.

B. Some were already gone astray. V-23
They were "in the fire" - already turned away and joined the apostates. They needed to be "snatched" out of the fire, rescued before they were completely destroyed.

C. Some were dangerous. V-23 (use fear) in trying to help those who have fallen, use caution lest they pull you in! Many a would-be rescuer has been drowned himself. We are to hate sin but love the sinner. Be careful as you try
to "Pluck them from the fire."

Only through full commitment to Jesus, can we stand in a world drowning in sin.

A. He is able. V-24 "unto him who is able to keep you from
falling.." He is able to keep you from falling and will present you faultless... with great joy.

B. He is worthy. V-25 He's worthy of all our praise!

CONCLUSION: Jude was burdened. He challenged the Christians to "contend for the faith." To walk with God... to stay committed.

Sermon #6 in Jude by Cecil Lovelace
Last outline on Jude.

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