Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It
Is To Men As They Are

"Preach The Word"

The Security Of Gods Children
Text: Romans 8:26-39
All three persons of the Godhead keep us.
1. The Spirit supplies our deficiencies.
2. The Father overcomes our difficulties.
3. The Son delivers us from dangers.
a. 3 boys in the furnace.
b. Daniel in the den of lions.
I. The Prayer Of God The Spirit. Romans 8:26-27
1. We know not how or what to pray for.
2. He knows how to present our prayers.
3. Therefore we must stay in fellowship with him.
II. God The Fathers Providence. Romans 8:28-33
1. Created for it.
2. Work things for it.
III. The Power Of God The Son. Romans 8:33-35
1. Christ removes the guilt, the separation sin brings.
2. They that are against us, He keeps us from.
Sermon Outline From the Notes
of Dr. Percy Ray

Site created by Tom Walker