Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It
Is To Men As They Are

"Preach The Word"

The Victory That Overcometh The World
Text: I John 5:4
I. The Word Has & Is Overcoming The World
1. Heaven & Earth will pass away but not the word.
2. It is tried in fire.
II. Gods Plan For Salvation Was Before The Foundation Of The World.
1. Same plan.
2. Never will change.
III. Born Of God New Creatures.
1. That which is born of God can not sin.
2. The seed remains in him.
3. New creature doesnt have sin nature.
I John 3:9
IV. Because He That Is Within Is Greater Than He That Is Without.
I John 4:4
V. By The Blood Of The Lamb.
1. Cleanses from all sin.
2. Revelation 12:11
VI. Promises
1. A Place
2. He will come again.
Sermon Outline From the Notes
of Dr. Percy Ray

Site created by Tom Walker