Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It
Is To Men As They Are

"Preach The Word"

Importance Of Prayer
Text: Luke 18:1-8
Men ought to pray and not to faint.
To Pray - What is it - To tell God our wants - Seek his blessings - To pour out our hearts
- To make known our requests.
I. Prayer Is The Language Of Nature
All creatures express their wants in different ways.
A. The young lion.
B. Birds.
C. The crying child.
D. Look at man in imminent peril.
E. Look at man in deep suffering and how natural it is to pray.
II. Prayer Is Recommended By Sound Reasoning.
A. Is it not reasonable that a child should depend and seek aid of a parent.
B. Is it not reasonable that weakness should lean on strength.
C. Is it not reasonable that ignorance should look up to wisdom.
D. How dependent is man?
E. How weak is man?
F. How ignorant is man?
III. Prayer Is An Essential Of All Religions.
A. A Mohammedan prays his seven daily prayers.
B. A savage prays in peril.
C. Shall not Christians pray more.
IV. Prayer Is Urged In Volume Of Revelation.
A. It is the soul of devotion.
B. Devotion is the very atmosphere of true piety.
Example - Abraham, Elijah, David, the prophets, the apostles.
C. The Son Of God is our divine example.
Shows us:
-Spirit of Prayer
-Various kinds of prayer
- Success of prayer
V. Our Necessities Should Introduce Us To Pray.
A. We need constant mercy, daily grace, and ceaseless help.
B. Our adversaries and oppressors are many - the great adversary - wicked
scorners - persecutors.
C. We are not able to contend with these without prayer.
What must we do?
Appeal to God and commit all into His hands.
"At Home With The Lord"


Site created by Tom Walker