Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It
Is To Men As They Are

"Preach The Word" |

Bread Alone
Text: Matthew 4:4
There is nothing wrong with hard work and wanting success. God saiad we were to earn a
living by the sweat of the face. Material things do not make person happy.
I. Man is more than a physical being.
1. Work is honorable.
2. Many are deadbeats.
3. Don't work, don't eat.
II Thess. 3:10
4. If a man does not provide for
his family, he is worse than an
I Timothy 5:8
II. Man is also a spiritual being.
1. He must get with God to be
2. Ye shall know the truth and it
shall make you free.
3. We are made in the image of God, therfore we need God as well as
III.Man has been seperated from God since the Garden of Eden.
Jesus came into this sin cursed world to live,
die, be buried, and
raised from the dead to give us
IV. Man must be born again to have a new nature.
1. After new nature you can't live by bread alone.
2. He has a new love.
3. He has a new motive for living.
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God."
4 You want to serve God & help your fellowman. You can't do this by
bread alone.
Sermon Outline From Dr. Percy Ray

Site created by Tom Walker