Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It
Is To Men As They Are

"Preach The Word"

The Name Above All Names
Text: Philippians 2:9-10
I. Named By The Holy Spirit Long Before His Birth
Isaiah 9:9
1. Wonderful - love, life, death
2. Counselor - Infinite Wisdom
3. Mighty God - Power Unlimited
4. Everlasting Father - His Time Is Eternity
5. Prince Of Peace
II. Name Announced To Mary By Gabriel Before
1. Jesus - Savior Matthew 1:21
2. The Name For Such A Child Luke 1:32-33
III. The Mighty Name Announced From Heaven By An
Angel At His Birth.
Luke 2:11 - Christ The Lord
IV. The Name Given Him After His Resurrection.
Peter Called Him The Prince Of Life - Acts 3:12-13
V. After His Ascension, God Gave Him A Name Above
Every Name.
Philippians 2:9-11
1. His Name Is Above All Names
2. Before Or After
3. Over All
4. None Other Name Above
5. Name of Names, Lord of Lords
Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess.
Romans 14:11
Isaiah 45:23
Bring Forth The Royal Diadem And Crown Him Lord Of All.
Sermon Outline From Notes of Dr. Percy Ray
(Typed from his notes by Pastor Greg Bray)

Site created by Tom Walker