Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It
Is To Men As They Are

"Preach The Word"

The Position Of A Justified Man
Text: Romans 5:1-11
I. We Look Backward In Faith v. 1,2
1. We see that Gods grace has completely saved us.
2. We are righteous before God - Justified
3. V. 2 - We are accepted by God - Access
4. This give man peace with God.
5. V. 2 - Cessation of enmity permits fellowship.
II. When We Are Justified We Look Forward In Hope
v. 2-4
1. And we see Gods glory awaiting us.
2. God adds future glory.
3. He give us joy.
4. We can rejoice in hope. v.2
5. Tribulation & etc. works more glory.
III. Being Justified We Look Around And Then Love.
v. 5-8
1. Gods love is in us.
2. His love affects us.
3. His love gives us assurance.
4. Because He will fill us from time to time, Gods
is shed abroad in our hearts.
IV. Justified We Are In A Safe Position Of The Future
v. 9
1. Our safety depends on Christs death.
John 5:24
2. Cant cancel that.
V. Justified We Do Not Fear The Present v. 10
1. Saved by His life.
2. He ever liveth
Hebrews 7:25
3. Christ lives for us.
VI. Justified We Do Not Fear The Past v. 11
We have the atonement.
Sermon From Dr. Percy Ray
(Typed from his notes by Pastor Greg Bray)

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