Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It
Is To Men As They Are

"Preach The Word"

Text: Ephesians 1:3
I. Life Without Sin - Jude 24
II. Life Without Darkness - Revelation 22:5
III. Life Without Death - Revelation 21:4
IV. Life Without Suffering - Revelation 21:4
V. Life Without Curse - Revelation 22:3
VI. Life Without Separation - I Thessalonians 4:16-18
VII. Life Without Defeat - I John 3:2; Ephesians 6:25-27
VIII. Life Without Weariness In Service -
Revelation 22:3
Outline From Dr. Percy Ray
(Outline typed from Dr. Ray's notes by Pastor Greg Bray)

Site created by Tom Walker