Text: Eph. 1:1-14 Introduction: The object of our praise is the Holy Trinity. It is comprised of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We ought to praise Him for: 1. His glorious (magnificient) grace (v.6) 2. His gracious (gratifying) glory (v.12) 3. His generous (abundant) gain (v.14). The central thought of this Epistle is the realization of disunity in nature, in man, in time, in eternity, between God and man, and the conviction that all disunity can only become united when all men and power are united in Christ. Christ is the Center in whom all things unite and the Lord who unites all things. The key thought of Ephesians is the gathering together of all things in Christ Jesus (v.10). In these verses we find Gods word of grace in our salvation.
I. The Plan of The Sovereign (vv.3-6) Here we have the eternal work of the Father in making us His children. A. His appointing us to be children (v.4) 1. Election looks backward and tells us when and where we were chosen. 2. Predestination looks forward and tells us why we were chosen. B. His adopting us as children (v.5) Adoption is an act of Gods free grace, whereby we are received into His family and have all the rights and privileges as sons. C. His accepting us as children (v.6) No man can be accepted of Holy God who is devoid of righteousness (Isa. 64:6). This acceptance comes us entirely as a work of Gods grace. Illustration: The little sheep and ewe.
II. The Purchase of the Son (vv.7-12) Here we have an eternal work of Jesus the Son of God in our behalf. It is a work totally outside of us. A. His redemption for us (v.7) Redemption means to "buy back", or to "release by ransom." 1. Released from the curse of the law (Gal.3) 2. Redeemed from the death penalty due to our guilt 3. Redeemed from the slavery of inherited bondage through heredity and depravity. (Rom. 8:1,33,34 ; Gal. 3:13) B. His remission for us (v.7) We are forgiven for Jesus sake. C. His revelation to us (v.9) (Matt.11:27) D. His riches to us (v. 11)
III. The Performance of the Spirit (vv.13-14) Here we have the internal work of the Spirit bringing about the Fathers plan and the Sons purchase in our personal experiences. A. The Spirit pursues us (v.13) Trusting Christ presupposes: 1. The heralding of the Gospel 2. The hearing of the Gospel 3. The heeding of the Gospel B. The Spirits presence in us (v.13) He is the seal: 1. Seal speaks of identity 2. Seal speaks of authority 3. Seal speaks of reality 4. Seal speaks of security C. The Spirits pledge to us (v.14) "The earnest of the Spirit" Sermon
By Dr. Curtis Barbery E-Mail |