Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

What A Difference His Presence Makes

Exod 33:14-15


The Word of the Lord came to Israel in spite of the fact they had failed the Lord. God is a covenant keeping-God and prove it in dealing with His chosen people. When we are not faithful, He abides yet faithful.

The people had to come to the place of self judgment and acknowledgement of their guilt and separation from God.
When any people do that God’s presence will be a glorious reality in their midst.

There are many people in life that just there presence makes a vast difference in what how things go. I remember a teacher I had in high school. All he had to do was walk into the classroom and all of the sudden things became quiet and orderly. There were a few teachers in my school days, that their presence did not make that much difference, but with a few it surely did.

It makes a difference in the local church when the presence of God is realized and recognized. It made such a difference to Moses that he said, "If thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence." There was a land to be conquered but Moses was not about to venture out to do that task without the presence of Holy God. We attempt too many things independent of God, but God help us to say, "If you do not go with me, don’t carry me up."

It is interesting to notice that when Moses revealed his dependence upon God, that is when the Lord began to let Moses know that He would manifest himself in a very special way to Moses. God reminded his servant that no man could look on His face and live, but he did promise to put him in the cleft of the rock and cover him with his hand, and then to pass by. I love it when Jesus passes by in a very special way!

I am going to share several things with you in this message about the wonderful presence of God.


Ex.33:15"If they presence go not with me carry us not up hence.

Something essential is something that you cannot do without. It is mandatory --it is essential.

The presence of God is something that is an absolute necessity to experience glory and victory. It is not an optional thing, but it is absolutely essential.

There are a lot of essentials in life- for instance:
*If you are going to make bread, you must have dough.
*If you are going to fly 30,000 feet above the ground it is essential to have an airplane.
*If you are going to fish, you must have bait.
*If you are going to speak, you must have vocal cords.
*If you are going to think, you must have a brain.
*If you are going to drive you must have a valid license. *If you are going to make a phone call, you must have a phone line.
*If you are going to eat, you must have food.

A. His presence is essential if we are going to know success in the Christian life.

You cannot succeed on your own. There must be a power and presence beyond ourselves to accomplish spiritual endeavors. The key to spiritual victory is not us but Him. There are too many giants on our journey through this life to try to face them without the presence and power of the Lord.

B. His presence is essential if we are going to know success in the Christian church.

We can stir up religious dust through busyness and activities, but success comes to a church when God’s presence is realized and recognized.

Thank God, Jesus said, "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst" (Matt.18:20). As the song says, "He is here hallelujah, He is here a-men, He is here holy, holy, I will bless His name again, He is hear, listen closely, hear Him calling out your name, he is here, you can touch Him, you will never be the same.

Someone asked me one time, "Preacher, how do you know where the Lord manifests his presence?" My answer was, "You’ll know." And if you know anything at all about spiritual things and about God, you’ll know.

We should come to church with God in mind. The question should not be, who can I see at church. We should have the same concern that Moses had when he said in Ex.33:18, "Show me thy glory."

When God did reveal Himself to Moses before, there was a cloudly pillar descended. See Ex.33:10.

In the Old Testament,Yahweh's presence is made manifest and His glory shown forth in a cloud. The cloud is usually spoken of as bright and shining, and it could not be fathomed by man: "Thou hast covered thyself with a cloud, so that no prayer can pass through" <Lam 3:44>. Yahweh Himself was present in the cloud <Exo 19:9; 24:16; 34:5> and His glory filled the places where the cloud was <Exo 16:10; 40:38; Num 10:34>; "The cloud filled the house of Yahweh" <1 Kin 8:10>. In the New Testament we often have "the Son of man coming on" or "with clouds" <Mt 24:30; 26:64; Mk 13:26; 14:62; Lk 21:27> and received up by clouds <Acts 1:9>. The glory of the second coming is indicated in <Rev 1:7> for "he cometh with the clouds" and "we that are alive .... shall together with them be caught up in the clouds, to meet the Lord" and dwell with Him <1 Thes 4:17>.


1. There was but one pillar of both cloud and fire <Exo. 14:24>, for even when shining in the dark it is still called the pillar of cloud <14:19> or the cloud <Num. 9:21>, so that it was a cloud covering the fire. By day it appeared as a cloud in contrast with the light of the sun, but by night as a fiery splendor <9:15-16>.

2. When this cloud went before the army of Israel it assumed the form of a column; but when it stood still above the Tabernacle or came down upon it, it most probably took the form of a round globe of cloud. When it separated the Israelites from the Egyptians at the Red Sea, we imagine it spreading out like a cloud bank, forming, as it were, a dividing wall.

3. In this cloud Jehovah, i.e., the visible representation of the invisible God under the OT, was present with Israel and spoke to them. In this, too, appeared "the glory of the Lord" <Exo. 16:10; 40:34>. The fire in the pillar was the same as that in which the Lord revealed Himself in the burning bush and afterward descended upon Sinai amid thunder and lightning in a thick cloud <19:16-18>. It was a symbol of the zeal of the Lord and therefore was enveloped in a cloud that protected Israel by day from heat, sunstroke, and pestilence <Isa. 4:4-5; 49:10; Pss. 91:5-6; 121:6>. At night it lighted up Israel's path by its splendor and defended it from terror and calamity <Pss. 27:1-3; 91:5-6>. It also threatened destruction to those who murmured against God <Num. 17:10>, sending out fire against the rebels and consuming them <Lev. 10:2; Num. 16:35>.

We do not see a cloud when God manifests His glory today, but God is still in the business of revealing Himself. If you are in touch with heaven, when God manifests Himself, you know when it is going on.

1 Chr 16:31-33 says:

31 Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice: and let men say among the nations, The LORD reigneth.

32 Let the sea roar, and the fulness thereof: let the fields rejoice, and all that is therein.

33 Then shall the trees of the wood sing out at the presence of the LORD, because he cometh to judge the earth.

"Exhilarating"to make lively or joyful. God can bring a holy excitement, a gladness, cheer, liveliness to individuals or to congregations, when the presence of God is realized.

Psalm 16 speaks of the fields rejoicing and all that is in them. It gives reference to the trees of wood singing out at the presence of the Lord. We know what trees do not have vocal cords and do not sing as you and I do. But even the presence of God has a positive effect of the world of nature. The Lord causes all of nature to sing.

There is at least one way you can tell when the Lord is around in blessing and power in a person’s life. You do not hear them grumbling, complaining, and belly-aching, you hear them praising the Lord for all He is and all He has done.

Nature knows nothing of redemption and yet the Bible pictures it singing in the presence of God. When God touches His people there is a song swells up in them that is exhilarating, exciting, and thrilling. When God’s glory falls you not only want to speak his praise, shout his praise, but also sing His praise.


Ps 16:11

"Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore."

When God manifest His presence, there is "fulness of joy."

"Joy" is the Hebrew word that means: "to leap, spin around with great pleasure." That wouldn’t settle to well in many churches today, but it is in order around here, if God is in it.

A. Joy is a delight of the mind that brings gladness, contentment, triumph, and cheerfulness.

B. Joy is a product of the Holy Ghost (Gal.5:22).

C. There is a moral joy. That comes from a peacefulness of conscience, knowing that we have done something good or beneficial.

D. There is spiritual joy.

It comes from God Himself, from His promises, from the gospel, from the prosperity of Christ’s kingdom, and from thoughts of our future state.

In 1 Pet. 1:8, Peter calls it "Joy unspeakable and full of glory."





Ps 31:20, "Thou shalt hide them in the secret of thy presence from the pride of man: thou shalt keep them secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongues."

What is a "pavilion?" A covered place, a booth or a tent in which a person may be kept hid or in secret.

Where are we safely housed? In the holiest of holiest, the innermost court into which no man can come uninvited. We are surrounded by God’s grace and glory.

The closer you get to the cross, the less you care about what long tongues are saying in regard to your lives.

The context of being "hidden in God’s pavilion," has to do with the tongue. When tongues are let loose, it is like turning a pack of wild wolves loose in a huge rabbit cage. You do not have to be afraid of a long tongue, because God knows all about it, and if He is sovereign, and He is, then he can reverse what the ungodly person is seeking to do with the tongue. God is bigger than gossip and the gossiper. That is why you do not have to be afraid of a few long, sharp, malicious tongues!

There is a two-fold layer of protection for God’s people:

1- Tabernacle of Sovereignty- If He is hiding us, and He is sovereign, do you realize what that means? He is over all and is never overcome or never answers to anyone.

2- Tabernacle of Sacrifice- Aren’t you glad that the blood covered it all? We are hidden in the pavilion of His supreme sacrifice at Calvary. The canopy of "His blood" is all around the true saints of God. We are covered, washed, justified, and redeemed in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Ps 97:5

"The hills melted like wax at the presence of the LORD, at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth."

When God’s presence is manifested, things melt and move before Him. If God is around, it will be expressed in some way before the eyes of the people.

A. Melts Stubborn wills

We will says as Jesus did, "Not my will but thine be done."It is so easy to get like a stubborn mule and not bend to what you know is the will of God concerning you.

B. Melts Stoney-hearted attitudes

There is so much just "don’t care" in the modern day church.

We are the opposite of "chicken little" who when something fell out of the sky, thought the world was about to fall. So many today would say, "Well, so what."

C. Melts Sinful desires

The sure-fire remedy for besetting sins is the fact that God is present with us, unending, permanently, day by day. If we know He is looking on, not only in what we do but what we think, it would behoove us to declare ourselves dead unto sin, but alive unto God through the Lord Jesus Christ.

Rom 6:11 says we are to: "Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord."

Ps 139:7-10 declares: "Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.

If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;even there thy hand shall lead me."

1.You can never go anywhere God has not already been. He has even gone to hell, to the lower parts of the earth, to announce his victory, after the Calvary experience. After doing that, he led the saints of God out of paradise and many of them who had died were seen on the streets of Jerusalem, walking around.

2. You can never go anywhere that God cannot go.

That is why it pays to never run from God.

Jonah found out that didn’t work very well.

3. God is omnipresent.(everywhere present)

Someone once asked a little child, "Why is there only one God?" The child responded by saying, "Because God fills every place, and there’s no room for another one."

A famous surgeon once had just finished operating before a gallery of distinguished visiting doctors. They asked him how he could work so well with such a large crowd present. He said to them, "You see, there are just three people in the operating room where I operate--the patient and myself." Someone said, "Why that is only two! Who is the third one?" He responded by saying, "The third is God."


Isa 63:9

"In all their affliction he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence saved them: in his love and in his pity he redeemed them; and he bare them, and carried them all the days of old."

His presence delivers from enemies and bondage .

You might say, "Preacher, I seem to be bound by some sin, some thing I know is displeasing to God, and I can’t seem to get loose from it.

Realize the presence of God. Thinking about His all seeing-eye.

Think about what He is able to do for you.

The antidote for dope, alcohol, and whatever else you might name is to get you thoughts on and realize the presence of God.


Luke 1:18-19

"And Zacharias said unto the angel, Whereby shall I know this? for I am an old man, and my wife well stricken in years. And the angel answering said unto him, I am Gabriel, that stand in the presence of God; and am sent to speak unto thee, and to shew thee these glad tidings."

The angel comes telling Zecharias about the birth of John the Baptist. Zecharias is an old man and wonders how he could ever produce a son. Gabriel reminded himself and Zecharias that he was standing in the presence of God. That seemed to be a part of what enabled the angelic visitor to give that kind of message to a man well up in years.

He said, "I am Gabriel that stand in the presence of God."

Do you have something that is facing you, that you think is just too hard for you? You can face it through the presence of God.


It has got to be tough when a parent has to give up a son or daughter to death, or a husband or wife. I spoke with a lady on the telephone this morning. I was her and her husband’s pastor for 14 years. He went home to be with the Lord this past week.

She wonders how she will ever make it without her husband. The key is realizing we are standing in the presence of God. He is well aware of everything that is happening to us.

Acts 3:19

"Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord."

God’s presence will refresh, like nothing else in this world can do.

"Refresh" literally means to "recover your breath."

Have you ever climbed a tree, slipped, fell out of it, and had your breath knocked out of you? I remember the first time it happened to me, I thought I was dying. It was not serious but I thought it was.

It can figuratively speak of "revival."

God will send times of refreshing to those who will be willing to "repent" of all they know is contrary to the will and purpose of God for their lives.

He is the God of refreshment.

I think of how God refreshed Elijah by the brook. He was worn out and was in need of food. He came to the place of depression. He asked God to take his life from the earth. He did not want to live. God prescribed rest for him, and had the ravens to bring him food there as he dwelt by the brook. God is interesting in refreshing his people.

This is a dry and thirsty land in which we live. It is a lowland of sin and sorrow. Our spiritual mouths get parched and dry, but God is able to come along, and refresh our mouths.

He is my water when I am thirsty,

My bread when I am hungry,

My rest when I am tired,

My strength when I am weak,

Often lack of repentance hinders refreshing. We are to not only admit we have done wrong, but are to turn from wrong deeds and wrong attitudes.

Prov 28:13

13 He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.

Come to the house of God looking for "refreshing."

God’s wells have not run dry, they are not even low, in spite of the spiritual drought that exists around this world. Let’s put our buckets down in the well of grace and enjoy His presence.


His presence is essential, exhilarating, environing, expressive, encompassing, emancipating, enabling, and enriching.

There is nothing like His presence.

First, should know you have His presence in your heart.

Second, if you are saved, let Him open your eyes to his presence and put you shoulder deep in the glory of God.

Sermon By Dr. Tom Walker-Zion Hill Baptist Church- Marion,NC



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