THE PRIESTHOOD OF JESUS CHRIST Text: Heb. 7:21-22. Introduction: In His past work there is justification; in His future work there will be glorification; in His present work, there is sanctification. He is our High Priest: I. THE ASCENSION OF OUR HIGH PRIEST (Acts 1:1-11; Heb. 9:11-13,24) A. The proof of His ascension (see by His disciples and the heavenly beings) B. The promise of His ascension (send Holy Spirit and come again) C. The purpose of His ascension (to sit down at the Fathers right hand) II. THE APPEARANCE OF OUR HIGH PRIEST (Heb. 9:1-24) A. He is our Heavenly High Priest B. He is a Holy High Priest. C. He is a Helping High Priest. III. THE ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF OUR HIGH PRIEST (Heb. 10:11-18) (1 Jn. 2:1-2) A. The atonement for sin B. The advocate for the saints C. The anchor of the soul IV. THE ABIDING OF OUR HIGH PRIEST (Heb. 9:25-28) A. He is an effective high priest. B. He is an everlasting high priest. C. He is an eternal high priest. He abides forever at the Fathers right hand! Conclusion: Because of the priesthood of Christ we have: 1.the pardon of God 2. The peace of God 3. The presence of God 4. The praise of God 5. We are going to the Paradise of God. SERMON BY JOE ARTHUR--PASTOR JONESBORO BAPTIST