Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It
Is To Men As They Are

"Preach The Word"


1960's and 1970's
Gospel Quartet Music
Now Available On CD!

The Former Prophets Quartet
(Click on the picture above to go to the Prophet's
Quartet page in the Preachers Corner)

The Former Harvester's Quartet
(Click on the picture above to go to the Harvesters
Quartet page in the Preachers Corner)
Some of the best Gospel Quartet Music was sung years ago
by groups
who gave themselves full time to travel and sing the praises of God.
As I
am allowed permission to do so, I plan to offer some of these on
CD to those who are interested in the Gospel music of years gone by.
will continue the theme of "Preserving Our Heritage"--which is
the theme of
much of the Preachers Corner Org. Inc. work. Mark it as a favorite, so you can keep up to date on what
is available. Your gift will help in the Preachers Corner
ministry. I have the blessing of Former Congress- man Bill Hefner of the old Harvesters
Quarter, and also the blessing of Ed Hill who was the former manager of the
Prophets Quartet of Knoxville, TN to make available some of their music.

Site created by Tom Walker