Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It
Is To Men As They Are

"Preach The Word"

Sermons By
Dr. R.L. Matthews
These studies were give to me by
Bob Humphries, who is with The
International Board of Jewish Missions.
You will enjoy this research of Brother
Matthews, who is already with the Lord.

1. The Pastor And The
Model NT Church
I Thess. 2:8,11
2. The Pastor And The Problem Church
2 Cor. 2:6
3. The Will of God For Your Life
Col. 1:1,9,10; 4:12
4. The Life That Wins
An excellent study for new believers and Christians
young in the faith.
(Pastors might want to use this for a "new converts" class.)

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