The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are
few. Matt. 9:37.
Much labor trouble in, Bible. Abraham and Lot's herdsmen
had trouble. Gen. 13:7. Unselfishness helped.
Labor trouble in Egypt. Ex. 13:13; 19:4.
And in Nehemiah's day, as he rebuilt the walls.
Paul's exhortation to Thessalonians. II Thess. 3:10-12.
James in Chapter 5 gives sharp words to the rich, and to
those who would defraud the laborer.
There was labor trouble in the days of Jesus.
1 Christ's vision. "Saw the multitudes."
2. His compassion. "He was moved with compassion."
3. Christ's appraisal. "Harvest truly is plenteous."
Look at three things about Christ's labor trouble.
I. The task. It is witnessing and it is for all to do.
A. Andrew found his brother, Simon.
B. Four men burdened for a poor paralytic.
C. -Deacon•Philip left a revival to win one soul.
D. Paul and Silas at Philippi, led Lydia to Christ.
Soulwinning is a divine task, urgent, demanding,
and eternal task. And the fields are white.
II. The trouble. "The laborers are few."
A. God is calling every Christian thru His Word.
B. He has labor trouble though He does the paying.
read Matt. 19:29. God gives real joy for service.
C. Trouble, even with God supplying the strength.
Read Isa. 40:29-31.
D. Trouble, and with Jesus as co-laborer.
We need to realize the importance of the task, the
dedication required, and the consecration needed.
III. The time. It is now. "Say not ye, There is yet four
months and then cometh the harvest."
God said to the churches of Asia Minor, "I know thy works,"
and we can be sure He knows our works.