For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper
than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing
asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints
and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and
intents of the heart. Heb. 4:12.
Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving
your own selves. James 1:22.
The Bible helps us avoid pitfalls and dangers of life.
Do we study to satisfy curiosity, or to match others, or to
argue? Why should we study God's Word?
I. To know more of God, our Heavenly Father. Through
Jesus I become a child of God, member of royal family.
I know from Bible He did in olden days and what He is
doing now.
The Bible shows me God's hatred for sin.
It shows God's concern for all men, everywhere.
II. Study Bible to know more of God's plan for our lives.
A. God has plan for us as He did for Moses, Paul.
B. Success depends on whether we follow His plan.
C. God's Word will reveal that plan to us. Not selfishness.
III. Study to avoid pitfalls of life. "Love not the world".
A. Bible points out weaknesses of best, David, Saul.
B. Points out subtle strength of Satan.
C. Reveals the one way to victory is in Jesus Christ.
IV. Study Bible to get glimpse of future home. As a child
of God, I am interested mightily in heaven.
A. Christ is there. He is my Savior.
B. I have loved ones in heaven.
C. In heaven all things will be made right.
V. Study to know how to help others. This desire indicates
our change.
A. Bible shows us that all have sinned and come short.
B. It reveals the hardness of men's hearts.
C. That the only way to help others lost in sin, or
weak in life is through Jesus, our Saviour.