And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are
sealed unto the day of redemption. Eph. 4:30.
The New Testament gives three sins against the Holy Spirit.
1. Resisting the Spirit. Acts 7:51.
2. Grieving the Holy Spirit.
3. Quenching the Spirit. I Thess. 5:19. (May refer especially
to the life of the Spirit in the church.)
He may be quenched by our wrong treatment of church.
Holy Spirit may be grieved, but salvation not retracted
by Him. "Whereby ye are sealed unto the day of
Consider four aspects of the question:
I. What the Holy Spirit wants to do when the believer has
been regenerated and indwelt by the Holy Spirit.
A. He wants to fill us. "Be filled with the Holy Spirit."
B. He wants to lead us. "As many as are led by the
C. Wants to bring forth fruit in our lives. "But the
fruit of the Spirit is—." Gal. 5:22, 23.
II. How can we grieve the Holy Spirit?
A. By disregarding His presence.
B. When we deny Him full possession of our lives.
C. When we disobey His command and leadings.
D. When we do things He hates. Our bodies are His
1. Our hearts are to be clean.
2. Wrong treatment of others grieves Him.
3. Evil speaking grives Him.
III. What grieving the Spirit does to us.
A. Our joy will be lessened. No rejoicing then.
B. Our prayer life hindered badly. Rom. 8:26.
C. Our fellowship with God is not as precious as
D. His fullness of peace will not be ours.
E. Our power is curtailed.
Separate yourselves from that which is wrong, and surrender
yourselves to that which is Holy. This is pleasing to
Him and will bring peace, joy and power to you.