Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It
Is To Men As They Are

"Preach The Word"

To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into
the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth.
John 18:37
In train stations and airports they do not ask where you have
been but "where are you going?"
I. Young people, where are you going? Environment important,
but not everything. Jesus didn't mark Mary
Magdalene, Zaccheus, Saul, the thief, off His list. Are
you headed into the serious things of life and eternity
or the rock and roll jazziness of the age?
II. Christian where are you going?
A. Are you growing in grace, or playing along? A
B. Where are you going in service? Jesus knew where.
Do you have a worthy goal. The Communists have
1. Is your goal primarily soul-winning?
2. Is it giving the gospel to the greatestnumber?
3. Where are you going at the end of life?
III. Sinner, where are you going?
A. Is it financial success? Remember the Rich fool.
B. Is it knowledge? Saul had education, but not Christ,
until spiritual education revealed Christ. We have
more highly educated people, yet so much darkness
and stupidity.
C Another may have a goal of pleasure.
1. Then you are going toward the end of a wasted
2. To an eternal hell where the worm dieth not.
A nobleman gave his jester a cane and said, "Keep this until
you find a greater fool than yourself." Years later, near
death the nobleman told his jester that he was going on a
long long journey. "What provisions have you made for
the trip?" asked the jester. "None at all," the nobleman
had to confess. Placing the cane in the nobleman's hands
he said, "Take this. It belongs to you."

Site created by Tom Walker