Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It
Is To Men As They Are

"Preach The Word"

Wisdom is better than weapons of war; but one sinner
destroyeth much good. Eccl. 9:18.
One man can plunge the world into war, or divide a church,
or with an evil tongue slander, or perhaps defeat a revival
campaign, or cause God's children to suffer defeat, as
Achan did for Israel.
One sinner "destroyed much good." Let's illustrate this
I. One sinner destroyeth much good—that one sinner may
be a professing Christian. Only two kinds of people—
lost sinners and saved sinners.
A. Professing Christians cause much damage by indifference.
B. By lack of faith in God, undermining the faith of
C. By selfishness, withholding means from Kingdom.
D. Worldly sins may destroy much good. The professing
Christian who dances, plays cards, attends
movies, drinks, beer, or cocktails or whiskey, or
engages in worldly amusements cannot win souls
for God.
E. Being out of tune with God destroys much good.
It lets you gossip, or slander, or fail to pray as you
II. One sinner destroyeth much good--That one sinner may
be a good, moral man, but lost.
III. One sinner destroyeth much good—that one sinner may
be a saved man, unenlisted in the cause of Christ. People
move everything but their church letters. Sin to shirk
the places of responsibility.
IV. One sinner destroyeth much good—that one sinner may
be an open and above-board vile sinner.
A. Cursing sinners destroy much good.
B. Drinking men do also.
C. Immoral sinner is dangerous.

Site created by Tom Walker