Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able
to stand against the wiles of the devil. Eph. 6:11.
Battle has raged unceasingly since Garden of Eden for souls.
Here are four characteristics of a chief enemy of Satan:
I. He is the man who prays.
A. We need more men who believe in prayer. "More
things are wrought by prayer than this world
dreams of."
B. We need men who pray for others.
C. We need men who pray for themselves. "Search
me, 0 God, and know my heart . . . " Complacency
Man may have education, personality, or talents but
if the devil is to fear him, he must pray. Matt. 6:6.
II. He is the man who lives righteously.
A. Criticize him. Yes, but your conscience will hurt
B. Laugh at him, but his life will be louder than your
C. Satan does not fear unrighteousness.
III. He is the man who is not trying to please the world.
Peter became the rock because he chose to please God.
A. Be not moved with praises of the world.
B. Be not swayed by financial returns.
IV. He is the man who does right regardless of circumstances.
Three Hebrew children were true.
Paul battled through all kinds of bitterness and trouble.
"But none of these count I my life dear unto myself."
It could mean the loss of your job to be true to God.
Is it worth the cost to do right regardless of the circumstances?

Site created by Tom Walker