Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It
Is To Men As They Are

"Preach The Word"

Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat
fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if
it die, it bringeth forth much fruit." Jno. 12:24.
Demas failed to use keys to spiritual success. II Tim. 4:10.
What are the three keys for spiritual success?
I. First key concerns our Savior. He must be preeminent.
A. He is Savior. He deserves first place.
B. He is our Lord and Leader.
C. He is our coming Savior.
D. He is our eternal King now and forever.
II. Second key concerns our self life. No success or peace
will come until you manage self. Rom. 6:11-13.
Self must be reckoned as dead—nailed to the cross.
Even preachers are tempted to glorify themselves.
III. The third key concerns our service. No Christian can
be successful who does not think of others.
A. Remember that Christ cared for others. "He was
moved with compassion."
B. He exhorts us to care for others. Mark 10:43-45.
C. To minister to those floundering in seas of despair.
D. Spiritual success comes only to the unselfish.
Dr. Gunsaulus had a derelict nephew who said to him:
"What do you think I was born for?" Dr. G. replied, "I don't
know," and the nephew answered, "I don't either." The boy
found a house burning and gallantly pulled ten out of the
burning building. Injured seriously, the great preacher
heard the boy say from his hospital bed, "For this cause I
was born, and for this I was sent into the world that I might
save those ten people."

Site created by Tom Walker