Dec.7, 1997 Who Is Jesus? As we prepare for the Christmas season, we should make sure we know who Jesus Christ actually is. The Bible does not leave us in the dark when it comes to that question. The New Testament is loaded with answers as to who Jesus is. I. His pre-existence. He was before Bethlehem. In fact He was before anything else that was made. He is the Creator of all there is according to Colossians 1:17. Not only that, all things "consist" or are held together by Him. Jn. 1:14 says "The word was made flesh and dwelt among us." II. His parentage. Mary carried the Lord Jesus, but He had no earthly human blood father. Joseph was merely his step-father. The Bible says that his conception was "of the Holy Ghost" (Matt.1:20). God overshadowed the virgin with His Divine glory, and Christ was conceived. III. His purity. For a lamb to be offered in the Old Testament, it had to be without blemish. Christ was offered "as a lamb without spot or blemish" (Heb. 9:14). Pilate said of Jesus, "I find no fault in Him" (Jn. 19:4). IV. His passion. He loves mankind so much that He tasted death for every man (Heb.2:9). There is not a person on this earth that Jesus does not love; He loves everyone. V. His place. Christ is now seated at the right hand of the Father, making intercession for us (Heb. 7:25). After his obedience unto death, even the death of the cross, He arose and went back into the glory world from whence He came. I am so glad that I know from the Bible who Jesus is. The more I read about Him, the more I love Him and want Him to have full sway in my heart and life. Brother Tom ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- December 14, 1997 Why Did Jesus Come? In the last pastors notes I wrote concerning the subject, "Who Is Jesus?" Today my thoughts are on "Why Did Jesus Come." The Bible, Gods revelation, is so plain about it, there should be no doubts in our mind why Jesus came. I. For Qualification Purposes. The Bible says in 1 Pet. 1:20 that Jesus was, "foreordained before the foundation of the world." God did not search all over heaven to find a sacrifice for the sins of man, only one could become both God and man. Only Christ was fully qualified to do what needed to be done. II. For Demonstration Purposes. The Word of God clearly says in Rom. 5:8 that, "God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were sinners, Christ died for us." The word "commend" means to display, exhibit or to show. We do not have to wonder whether or not God loves us, because Calvary and the supreme sacrifice of Christ gives the answer. If you want to know whether or not God loves you, just go to Calvary by faith, through the Word of God, and you will have your answer. III. For Revelation Purposes. Christ came into this world to reveal to us the Father. Jesus said in Jn. 14:9, "He that hath seen me hath seen the Father." We know what the Father is like as we view the ministry of the Son of God, Christ our Lord. IV. For Domination Purposes. Satan has always tried to dominate in mens lives and lead them the wrong way. But thanks be to God, the Scriptures tell us in 1 Jn. 3:8 that Jesus came to "destroy the works of the devil." God intended through the coming of Christ, to undo and put an end to the domination of the devil in peoples lives. V. For Salvation Purposes. The Word declares that "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners" (1 Tim.1:15). Jesus did not come on a good will journey but came to eventually go to Calvary to provide the once and for all sacrifice for the sins of mankind. If Jesus had not come men would still be offering up a yearly sacrifice to cover sin for a while, but the Scripture says that, "By one offering, He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified" (Heb. 10:14). Brother Tom -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dec.21,1997 Today we are going to consider, "How Jesus Was Viewed." The Bible says in Jn. 1:12, "He came unto His own and his own received Him not, but as many as received Him to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name." When the Bible says, "He came unto his own," it means that He came first to the Jewish people. Matthew gives the genealogy of Joseph, who was Jesus father in the eyes of the law. Luke gives Marys genealogy. Mary and Joseph were both the descendants of David. No Jew today knows his legal genealogy. All the records were destroyed in A.D. 70 when the temple was ruined. Jesus Christ is the only Jew alive today who can prove his right to the throne of David. That is what the genealogies of Mary and Joseph are about. I. SOME VIEWED HIM AS BEING BAD. Some of the religionists went as far as to tell Jesus, "We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God" (Jn.8:41). They were accusing the Son of God of being born as an illegitimate child. We know that was not the case, for He was "conceived of the Holy Ghost." It was a supernatural birth, one which did not require the aid of a human father. Due to the blindness of their hearts, the men sought to belittle the Lord Jesus Christ. II. SOME VIEWED HIM AS BEING MAD. Many of them said He hath a devil and is mad" (Jn. 10:20). It was a belief of the Jews that madness or distraction is from the devil. So they joined together having a devil or demon, and being mad. There was an evil spirit they named as "Tazazith" which supposedly took human understanding away. They viewed Jesus as a lunatic or a madman. It is too bad that they were so blinded and failed to see Jesus as He really was, the Son of God. III. SOME VIEWED HIM BEING GLAD. Jn. 1:12 says, "But as many as received Him to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name." What a joy to see people gladly receive Christ as Savior! The dying thief on the cross said to Christ, "Remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom"(Luke 23:42). Though many reject the Lord Jesus Christ, there are those who will gladly receive Him as Lord and Savior. An old song I used to hear when I was a boy said, "Oh say but Im glad." Gladness should saturate and fill the heart of the genuine child of God. I remember when Jesus came into my heart and I gladly received Him as He is, just as I was. Lets view Jesus as we should! Brother Tom --------------------------------------------------------------- December 28,1997 Luke 2:7 says, "She brought forth her first-born Son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn." In the manger was Holy God, wrapped in the form of an infants body. The power of the Highest had overshadowed Mary the virgin, who was the woman chosen to bring the Savior into this world. He came from an eternal world to a temporal one. Christ left where angels sang his praise, for a world that would spit on Him, mock Him and ridicule Him. Christ knew that all of that would happen, but he came to this world just as planned by the Holy Trinity. I. He came in spite of man who would reject Him. The Bible says, "He came to His own (that is the Jew) and His own received Him not"(Jn. 1:12), but those that receive Him are given the power to become children of God. It was no surprise to the Lord Jesus that even the organized religion of His day rejected Him. By them He was called a blasphemer and a child born of fornication. In spite of the fact that man spurned Him, Jesus came to save that stubborn and rebellious mankind from sin. II. He came in spite of angels who would miss Him. No doubt the angels in heaven did not want to see the Son of God come to this earth, but what could they do but accept it? They knew rebellion would not work, because they saw what it did for the Devil when he rose up in protest against the throne of God (Isa.14 and Ezek.28). There must have been a bit of sadness when Jesus left the angels who had adored Him from all of eternity past. III. He came in spite of demons who would resist him. When Jesus came, he entered into the domain of the Prince and the Power of The Air. He is called in the New Testament the , "god of this world"(2 Cor. 4:4). Satan and his cohorts, the demons, resisted the ministry of Jesus over and over again in the short time that Christ was upon this earth. THANK GOD HE CAME! Merry Christmas! Brother Tom ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |