Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"


"He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me
in the paths of righteousness
for his name's sake."

I.He restoreth my soul.

A. Restoreth.

1. Hebrew means to renew or bring back to a place once enjoyed.

2. There is the doctrine of restoration taught in the Bible.

3. The word "Meshibah" "restoreth" is translated in Psalm
19:7, converting.

B. Three phases of restoration.
1. Restoration from disorder and decay. (Psalm 80:19)
2. From sorrow and affliction (Ruth 4:15)
3. Restoration from death. (I Kings 17:21-22)
Relaxation. Recuperation. Rehabilitation.

C. What is it He restores.
1. To the flock.

2. To the fold.

3. To the fellowship.

D. Sheep are prone to wander; 14 feet in front of them. Can't jump a fence unless away from it. Never close to fence.

1. Break the leg of habitual strayer to break it of the habit.

E. My soul. Not a soul, not the soul, not some soul. What is
my soul? My soul is I. It is the eternal me.

1. When wandering in sin.

2. When weakening in service.

3. When wilting in self.

F. Dog, cat, horse can find its way home; but not a sheep. Sheep stray easily.

G. God restores by:

1. Warning.

2. Exhortation.

3. Trouble.

4. Chastening.

Peter was restored by a look. David was restored by judgment. Abraham was restored by trouble.

II.He leadeth me in paths of righteousness for his name sake.

A. It is his responsibility to lead, ours to follow. Shepherd would get sheep out of fold, from the porter or watchman and lead them out and go before them.

1. Where he leads us. Paths of righteousness. (Titus 2:11-12)

2. Why he leads us. For his name sake.

a. Soberly. World within; thoughts, tongue, temper.

b. Righteously. World without; we are to manifest practically what we are judicially in heaven.

c. Godly. World above; seek those things above. (Colossians 3:1)

B. Paths. Not rest, but progress.

1. What the Christian life is like: a "walk", "run", "step", "path", "way".

2. It may not always seem right. "All paths of the Lord are mercy and truth." (Psalm 25:10)

3. Short cuts often prove the longest way around. "God led them not through the way of the Philistines,
although that was near." (Exodus 13:1 7)

C. Some paths have a dead end. But his paths are paths of:

1. Righteousness.

2. Rest.

3. Refreshment. Water and grass.

4. Rigor. Through the valley.

D. For his name sake. (Philippians 2:9-10; John 17:12)

1. God has connected his name and glory with the walk and conduct of his people.

a. My salvation is tied up with him. ("None of them is lost.") He will keep his sheep, for it is a calamity, a shame for a shepherd to lose a sheep.

b. The Shepherd's reputation is at stake. For a shepherd who permitted a stray Iamb to perish is a disgrace, even for years afterwards. (Luke 1 5:4-6, "Ninety and nine")


No doubt the name "Jehovah" is pronounced in the Hebrew Bible (four letter name) "JHWH" or Jahwe. Jehovah means, "the existing, the abiding, eternal, steadfast, permanent, dependable, true, "Who is and will ever be," or, as the exalted Lord Himself declares. "He who is and he who was and He who is to come." (Revelation 1:4,8; 4:8) In the most manifold way the name Jehovdh gives to us a picture of salvation, Christian living, and experience and eternal glory.

There are seven names of Jehovah in the Old Testament direct, also revealed in Psalm 23:

1. Jehovah-Rohi; The Lord is my shepherd. Psalm 23:1

2. Jehovah-Shalom; The Lord who is or gives peace. Psalm 23:2 (Judges 6:24)

3. Jehovah-Rapha; The Lord the physician. Psalm 23:3 (Exodus 15:26)

4. Jehovah-Tsidkenu; The Lord our Righteousness. Psalm 23:3 (Jeremiah 23:6)

5. Jehovah-Shammah; The Lord is there, the tabernacle of God with men. Psalm 23:4 (Ezekiel 48:35)

6. Jehovah-Nissi; The Lord my banner. Psalm 23:5 (Exodusi 7:15)

7. Jehovah-Jireh; The Lord who provides. Psalm 23:6 (Genesis 22:14)

The one other name that sums up all the names is the name "Jehovah-Sabaoth"; The Lord Of Host.

These other names I will briefly mention so you can be looking for them in the future.
1. Adonai; means Lord 450 times
2. El; means mighty God 230 times
3. El Shaddai; means Almighty 50 times
4. El Elyon; means most high God 32 times
5. Elohim; means Creator 2570 times
6. Jehovah; means redeeming and covenant God. .....6000 times
7. Eloth; means strong one (Almighty) 50 times

Thus altogether the names of God occur in the Old Testament about 6,000 times. This shows their vast and exalted significance in Biblical revelation.

Dr. Billy Kanoy


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