Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

The Shepherd Of The Sheep

(This sermon is relative to the church at Ephesus.)

Text: 1 Pet. 4:1-4; Acts 20:28


Both of these texts admonishes the shepherd. It says "Take heed to yourselves." The first care of the Spiritual Shepherd is for Himself, then the flock.

1. Your walk of discipline before the flock.

2. Your words of doctrine to the flock.

3. Your work of dedication among the flock.

I. The Sovereign’s Church

"The church" in Scripture is called:

A. A Building- Where He enshrines it- a lasting union.

B. A Bride- Where He embraces it- a loving union.

C. A Body- Where He expresses himself through it- a living union.

1. By the cost He paid- Blood

2. By the call He makes- Church-called out ones

3. By the care He takes- Appoints overseers

II. The Shepherd’s Charge

"Holy Spirit made overseeer"

A. To find the sheep - Evangelism

B. To feed the sheep - Edification

C. To forego the sheep - Direction

D. To fight for the sheep- Protection (internal & external enemies)

E. To favor the sheep- Affection (to be for, endorse, friendly, kind, regard, or approval)


III. The Servant’s Crown

A. Seeing the Savior magnified

B. Seeing sinners justified

C. Seeing saints edified

D. Seeing Satan mortified

IV. The Sheep’s Commitment

A. Sheep are to follow the Shepherd

1. Willingly

2. Obediently

3. Sacrificially

4. Continually

B. Sheep are to furnish the Shepherd

1. Fellowship

2. Fleece

3. Flesh, etc.

C. Sheep are to favor the Shepherd

"Love Him"


As a shepherd, are you committed to faithfully serving the sheep?

As a sheep, are you committed to faithfully following the shepherd?

Sermon By Dr. Curtis Barbery
Bennett, NC--USA


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