Dedicated To The Men of God
Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

"Preach The Word"

The Power Of A
Joshua 6:20
The first 22 years
of my life were spent in the
same church. It was in that church that I was saved
and baptized. It was there that I received my early
training as a Christian. It was there I began to ask
God to use me. It was a church made up of family and
friends. These individuals tried to serve the Lord the
best they could. I have some fond memories of those
years. But, as I look back I find an element that was
missing. An element that the older people talked about
experiencing in years gone by. The missing element was
the shouts of the saints! There were occasional Amens,
but most were quite and reserved, with little sound of
authority and conviction.
This church was no
different than the average
Baptist church. Numerous times I have heard about
churches who used to shout, but through the years got
away from it. Some were embarrassed by it, others just
grew cold in the Lord and had no reason for doing so.
Sadly, it seems that most churches who have lost their
shout have also lost the power of God! You may be
asking what relationship is there between a shout and
the power of God. If so, this passage of scripture is
just for you. There are 3 KEY ELEMENTS in this story
that I want to examine.
I. The Battle That Was Faced. vs.1-2
A. Involved a wall that was great.
B. Involved warriors that were valiant.
II. The Orders That Were Given.
A. They were sovereign orders. (Lord)
B. They were strange orders. vs.3-4
C. They were stirring orders. v.5
III. The Victory That Was Enjoyed.
A. The reason for it. v.20 (obedience)
B. The reach of it. vs.21&24
What is the past history of your church? Can
you think of individuals who used to shout the victory
in church services? Was there a time your church
shouted? Was there a time you shouted? Have you ever
considered the possibility that God wants YOU to shout
for Him? Trust me, there IS power in a shout!
From Ken Kirkley-
Pastor Oak Grove Baptist Church
Landrum, SC- USA


Site created by
Tom Walker