SHOW US GOD TEXT:John 14:8 INTRODUCTION: This world has always refused to believe anything they couldn't see, feel or figure out. The reason the Gospel is rejected by the majority of this world is because it is by faith and not by sight. Like Thomas, the world is saying, "show us God, then we will believe." Let me show you God. I. GOD IN CREATION - Genesis 1:1 1. God spoke this world into existence, molded the mountains, carved out the valley, set the boundaries of the waters and divided the night from day. II. GOD IN PRESERVATION 1. If this world is the results of something that just happened, common sense would teach us that the thousands of years it has existed would have changed it or it would have gotten out of order. 2. 1 want to show you God in preservation. God has kept His hand on this; His creation from the beginning. - Psalm 19:1-2 III. GOD IN REVELATION 1. Paul, in the letter to the Roman church, said there was a time when all that man knew about God was His creative works, but now God has revealed Himself to us through His Word. 2. We can see God in every page of the blessed Book. Every page reveals the work of God, the power of God and the love of God. - Hebrews 1:1-2 IV. GOD IN SALVATION 1. Every born again child of God is a walking, living evidence of God in salvation. Jesus could have reminded Philip of the change that had taken place in the lives of those disciples. It had to be something beyond the ability of man. 2. Only God could take a petson that is unclean, cruel, sinful, heartless and make them clean, pure and holy. V. GOD IN CONSUMMATION 1. Just as God started this thing and that God has kept it all under control, He will one day bring it all to a final consummation. God is the beginning and God is the ending, the first and the last and everything in between. 2. Let us, in closing the message, see God in the consummation of all things. Everything is out of place now, but in that day of consummation, all things will be put in the right place. The church is out of place, the nation of Israel is out of place, the devil is out of place. 3. The final chapters of the book of Revelation has everything in place. Sermon From
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