Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

Bare Skeleton Page #2

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The Upward Life

I. Treasures Laid Up- (Matt.6:20)

II. Faith Looking Up- (Psm.5:3)

III. Love Building Up- (Jude 20)

IV. Life Springing Up- Jn. 4:14)

V. Power Lifting Up- (Acts 3:7-9)

VI. Believer's Mounting Up- (Isa. 40:31)

VII. Caught Up To Meet Christ- (1 Thess.4:17)

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Text:  Psm.103:1-5

Introduction:  The wise person will see what the Bible says about the Lord Jesus Christ and believe it with his or her whole heart. A list of benefits are given for those who have through salvation, been linked to the wonderful and many benefits of God.

I.   He Is The Forgiver- "forgiveth all thine iniquities" (3a)

II.  He Is The Healer- "who healeth all thine diseases" (3b)

III. He Is The Redeemer- "who redeemeth thy life from destruction" (4a)

IV. He Is The Crowner- "who crowneth thee with lovingkindess and                                             tender mercies" (v.4b)

V.  He Is The Satisfier- "who satisfieth thy mouth with good things"(v.5)

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What Sin Will Do For You

I.     Seperate You From God (Isa.59:2)

II.    Blind You (2 Cor. 4:4)

III.   Harden Your Heart (1 Tim. 4:2)

IV.  Make Your Way Hard (Prov.13:15)

V.   Rob You Of Peace (Isa. 39:8)

VI.  Make You Foolish (Rom.1:21-22)

VII. Cause God To Give Up On You (Rom. 1:24--Gen. 6:1)



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