Bare Skeleton Page #3

What Jesus Gives To His People
I. His Life for our Redemption (Jn.5:11)
II. His Flesh for our Sustenance (Jn.6:51)
III. His Peace for our Enjoyment (Jn.14:27)
IV. His Example for our Pattern (Jn. 13:16)
V. His Word for our Sanctification (Jn. 17:8,17)
VI. His Glory for our Home ( Jn. 17:22).

Moving Us Forward
Text: Psalm 40:1-3.
Introduction- Note the forward progression below.
I. The Sinner's State---"In a horrible pit."
II. The Saviour's Power----"He brought me up."
III. The Saint's Standing---"Feet on a rock."
IV. The Saint's Walk-----"Established my goings."
V. The Song of the Saved---"New song in my mouth."
VI. The Saint's Testimony---"Many shall see."

Life Successfully
Text: Phil. 4:6
I. Be Careful for Nothing--"Be careful for nothing."
II. Be Prayerful for Everything--"Everything by prayer and supplication."
III. Be Thankful for Anything---"With thanksgiving."

Site created by Tom Walker