Text: 1 Sam. 1:1-28 Introduction: 1- Her barrenness- She could not have children. 2- Her beloved one- Elkanah was her husband who loved her much. 3- Her batterer- Elkanah's other wife, Peninnah, provoked her sore. I. HANNAH WAS TRIED A. Trials may be sudden -Her trial was not a
sudden thing, but yours
be. II. HANNAH WAS TROUBLED A. Due to circumstances- (She could
not have a baby.) III. HANNAH WAS TRIUMPHANT A. It involved prayer (v.10)("Prayed
unto the Lord and wept sore") IV. HANNAH WAS TRUSTWORTHY A. She brought her son (to the
high priest Samuel--vv.24-28) Conclusion: Our trials are a time for God to demonstrate His might and power. He can do that which is impossible for men. SERMON FROM DR. TOM WALKER |