Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It
Is To Men As They Are

"Preach The Word"

Sermons by Spurgeon

Power With God |
Gen.32:28 |
I Have Enough |
Gen.33:9,11 |
Joseph Opening the Storehouses |
Gen.41:56 |
Too Little For the Lamb |
Ex.12:3,4 |
Unseasonable Prayer |
Ex.14:15 |
The Lesson of Uzzah |
Several Scriptures |
God Is A Jealous God
Delivered on Sunday Morning, March 29th, 1863, by the
Rev. C. H. SPURGEON, At the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington
"For the Lord, whose name is
jealous, is a jealous God."覧Exodus 34:14.
THE PASSION OF JEALOUSY IN MAN is usually exercised in
an evil manner, but it is not in itself necessarily sinful. A man may be
zealously cautious of his honor, and suspiciously vigilant over another,
without deserving blame. All thoughtful persons will agree that there is
such a thing as virtuous jealousy. Self-love is, no doubt, the usual
foundation of human jealousy, and it may be that Shenstone is right in his
definition of it as "the apprehension of superiority," the fear
lest another should by any means supplant us; yet the word "jealous"
is so near akin to that noble word "zealous," that I am
persuaded it must have something good in it. Certainly we learn from
Scripture that there is such a thing as a godly jealousy. We find the
Apostle Paul declaring to the Corinthian Church, "I am jealous over
you with a godly jealousy, for I have espoused you to one husband that I
may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ." He had an earnest,
cautious, anxious concern for their holiness, that the Lord Jesus might be
honored in their lives. Let it be remembered then, that jealousy, like
anger, is not evil in itself, or it could never be ascribed to God; his
jealousy is ever a pure and holy flame. The passion of jealousy possesses
an intense force, it fires the whole nature, its coals are juniper, which
have a most vehement flame; it resides in the lowest depths of the heart,
and takes so firm a hold that it remains most deeply rooted until the
exciting cause is removed; it wells up from the inmost recesses of the
nature, and like a torrent irresistibly sweeps all before it; it stops at
nothing, for it is cruel as the grave (Cant. 8:6), it provokes wrath to
the utmost, for it is the rage of a man, therefore he will not spare in
the day of vengeance (Proverbs 6:34), and it over throws everything in the
pursuit of its enemy, for "wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous;
but who is able to stand before jealousy?" For all these reasons
jealousy is selected as some faint picture of that tender regard which God
has for His own Deity, honor, and supremacy, and the holy indignation
which he feels towards those who violate his laws, offend his majesty, or
impeach his character. Not that God is jealous so as to bring him down to
the likeness of men, but that this is the nearest idea we can form of what
the Divine Being feels覧if it be right to use even that word toward
him覧when he beholds his throne occupied by false gods, his dignity
insulted, and his glory usurped by others. We cannot speak of God except
by using figures drawn from his works, or our own emotions; we ought,
however, when we use the images, to caution ourselves and those who listen
to us, against the idea that the Infinite mind is really to be compassed
and described by any metaphors however lofty, or language however weighty.
We might not have ventured to use the word, "jealousy" in
connection with the Most High, but as we find it so many times in
Scripture, let us with solemn awe survey this mysterious display of the
Divine mind. Methinks I hear the thundering words of Nahum, "God is
jealous and the Lord revengeth, the Lord revengeth and is furious, the
Lord will take vengeance on his adversaries, and he reseryeth wrath for
his enemies." My soul be thou humbled before the Lord and tremble at
his name!I. Reverently, let us remember that THE LORD IS
EXCEEDINGLY JEALOUS OF HIS DEITY. Our text is coupled with the command覧"Thou
shalt worship no other God." When the law was thundered from Sinai,
the second commandment received force from the divine jealousy覧"Thou
shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything
that is in the heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is
in the water under the earth; Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor
serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God." Since he is the
only God, the Creator of heaven and earth, he cannot endure that any
creature of his own hands, or fiction of a creature's imagination should
be thrust into his throne, and be made to wear his crown. In Ezekiel we
find the false god described as "the image of jealousy which
provoketh to jealousy," and the doom on Jerusalem for thus turning
from Jehovah runs thus, "Mine eye shall not spare, neither will I
have pity, but I will recompense their way upon their head." False
gods patiently endure the existence of other false gods. Dagon can stand
with Bel, and Bel with Ashtaroth; how should stone, and wood, and silver,
be moved to indignation; but because God is the only living and true God,
Dagon must fall before his ark; Bel must be broken, and Ashtaroth must be
consumed with fire. Thus saith the Lord, "Ye shall destroy their
altars, break their images, and cut down their groves;" the idols he
shall utterly abolish. My brethren, do you marvel at this? I felt in my
own soul while meditating upon this matter an intense sympathy with God.
Can you put yourselves in God's place for a moment? Suppose that you had
made the heavens and the earth, and all the creatures that inhabit this
round globe; how would you feel if those creatures should set up an image
of wood, or brass, or gold, and cry, "These are the gods that made
us; these things give us life." What覧a dead piece of earth set
up in rivalry with real Deity! What must be the Lord's indignation against
infatuated rebels when they so far despise him as to set up a leek, or an
onion, or a beetle, or a frog, preferring to worship the fruit of their
own gardens, or the vermin of their muddy rivers, rather than acknowledge
the God in whose hand their breath is, and whose are all their ways! Oh!
it is a marvel that God hath not dashed the world to pieces with
thunderbolts, when we recollect that even to this day millions of men have
changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like to
corruptible man, and to birds and four-footed beasts, and creeping things.
With what unutterable contempt must the living God look down upon those
idols which are the work of man's hands覧"They have mouths, but
they speak not: eyes have they, but they see not: they have ears, but they
hear not: noses have they, but they smell not: they have hands, but they
handle not: feet have they, but they walk not: neither speak they through
their throat." God hath longsuffering toward men, and he patiently
endureth this madness of rebellion; but, oh! what patience must it be which
can restrain the fury of his jealousy, for he is a jealous God, and brooks
no rival. It was divine jealousy which moved the Lord to bring all his
plagues on Egypt. Careful reading will show you that those wonders were
all aimed at the gods of Egypt. The people were tormented by the very
things which they had made to be their deities, or else, as in the case of
the murrain, their sacred animals were themselves smitten, even as the
Lord had threatened覧"Against all the gods of Egypt I will
execute judgment: I am Jehovah." Was it not the same with ancient
Israel? Why were they routed before their enemies? Why was their land so
often invaded? Why did famine follow pestilence, and war succeed to
famine? Only because "they provoked him to anger with their high
places, and moved him to jealousy with their graven images. When God heard
this, he was Froth, and greatly abhorred Israel." (Psalm 78:58-59.)
How was it that at the last the Lord gave up Jerusalem to the flames, and
bade the Chaldeans carry into captivity the remnant of his people? How was
it that he abhorred his heritage, and gave up Mount Zion to be trodden
under foot by the Gentiles? Did not Jeremiah tell them plainly that
because they had walked after other gods and forsaken Jehovah, therefore
he would cast them out into a land which they knew not? Brethren,
the whole history of the human race is a record of the wars of the Lord
against idolatry. The right hand of the Lord hath dashed in pieces the
enemy and cast the ancient idols to the ground. Behold the heaps of
Nineveh! Search for the desolations of Babylon! Look upon the broken
temples of Greece! See the ruins of Pagan Rome! Journey where you will,
you behold the dilapidated temples of the gods and the ruined empires of
their foolish votaries. The moles and the bats have covered with
forgetfulness the once famous deities of Chaldea and Assyria. The Lord
hath made bare his arm and eased him of his adversaries, for Jehovah,
whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.With what indignation, then, must the Lord look down
upon that apostate harlot, called the Romish Church, when, in all
her sanctuaries, there are pictures and images, relics and slivines, and
poor infatuated beings are even taught to bow before a piece of bread. In
this country, Popish idolatry is not so barefaced and naked as it is in
other lands; but I have seen it, and my soul has been moved with
indignation like that of Paul on Mars' Hill, when he saw the city wholly
to idolatry; I have seen thousands adore the wafer, hundreds bow before
the image of the Virgin, scores at prayer before a crucifix, and companies
of men and women adoring a rotten bone or a rusty nail, because said to be
the relic of a saint. It is vain for the Romanist to assert that he
worships not the things themselves, but only the Lord through them, for
this the second commandment expressly forbids, and it is upon this point
that the Lord calls himself a jealous God. How full is that cup which
Babylon must drink; the day is hastening when the Lord shall avenge
himself upon her, because her iniquities have reached unto heaven, and she
hath blasphemously exalted her Pope into the throne of the Host High, and
thrust her priests into the office of the Lamb. Purge yourselves, purge
yourselves of this leaven. I charge you before God, the Judge of quick and
dead, if ye would not be partakers of her plagues, come out from her more
and more, and let your protest be increasingly vehement against this which
exalteth itself above all that is called God. Let our Protestant Churches,
which have too great a savor of Popery in them, cleanse themselves of her
fornications, lest the Lord visit them with fire and pour the plagues of
Babylon upon them. Renounce, my brethren, every ceremony which has not
Scripture for its warrant, and every doctrine which is not established by
the plain testimony of the Word of God. Let us, above all, never by any
sign, or word, or deed, have any complicity with this communion of devils,
this gathering together of the sons of Behal: and since our God is a
jealous God, let us not provoke him by any affinity, gentleness,
fellowship, or amity with this Mother of Harlots and abominations of the
earth.With what jealousy must the Lord regard the great
mass of the people of this country, who have another God beside
himself! With what indignation doth he look upon many of you who are
subject to the prince of the power of the air, the god of this world! To
you Jehovah is nothing. God is not in all your thoughts; you have no fear
of Him before your eyes. Like the men of Israel, you have set up your
idols in your heart. Your god is custom, fashion, business,
pleasure, ambition, honor. You have made unto yourselves gods of these
things; you have said, "These be thy gods, O Israel." Ye follow
after the things which perish, the things of this world, which are vanity.
O ye sons of men, think not that God is blind. He can perceive the idols
in your hearts; he understandeth what be the secret things that your souls
lust after; he searcheth your heart, he trieth your reins; beware lest he
find you sacrificing to strange gods, for his anger will smoke against
you, and his jealousy will be stirred. O ye that worship not God, the God
of Israel, who give him not dominion over your whole soul, and live not to
his honor, repent ye of your idolatry, seek mercy through the blood of
Jesus, and provoke not the Lord to jealousy any more.Even believers may be reproved on this subject.
God is very jealous of his deity in the hearts of his own people. Mother,
what will he say of you, if that darling child occupies a more prominent
place in your love than your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? Husband, what
shall he say to you, and with what stripes shall he smite you, when your
wife reigns as a goddess in your spirit? And wife, thou shouldest love thy
husband覧thou doest well in so doing; but if thou exaltest him above
God, if thou makest him to have dominion over thy conscience, and art
willing to forsake thy Lord to please him, then thou hast made to thyself
another god, and God is jealous with thee. Ay, and we may thus provoke him
with the dead as well as with the living. A grief carried to excess, a
grief nurtured until it prevents our attention to duty, a grief which
makes us murmur and repine against the will of Providence is sheer
rebellion; it hath in it the very spirit of idolatry; it will provoke the
Lord to anger, and he will surely chasten yet again, until our spirit
becomes resigned to his rod. "Hast thou not forgiven God yet?"
was the language of an old Quaker when he saw a widow who for years had
worn her weeds, and was inconsolable in her grief覧"Hast thou not
forgiven God yet?" We may weep under bereavements, for Jesus wept;
but we must not sorrow so as to provoke the Lord to anger, we must not act
as if our friends were more precious to us than our God. We are permitted
to take solace in each other, but when we carry love to idolatry, and put
the creature into the Creator's place, and rebel, and fret, and bitterly
repine, then the Lord hath a rod in his hand, and he will make us feel its
weight, for he is a jealous God. I fear there are some professors who put
their house, their garden, their business, their skill, I know not what,
at seasons into the place of God. It were not consistent with the life of
godliness for a man to be perpetually an idolater, but even true believers
will sometimes be overcome with this sin, and will have to mourn over it.
Brethren, set up no images of jealousy, but like Jacob of old cry to
yourselves and to your families, "Put away the strange gods that are
among you, and be clean." Let me warn those of you who neglect this
that if you be the Lord's people you shall soon smart for it, and the
sooner the better for your own salvation; while, on the other hand, to
those ungodly persons who continue to live for objects other than divine,
let me say, you not only smart in this life by bitter disappointments, but
you shall also suffer eternal wrath in the life to come. Come, let me push
this matter home upon your consciences; let me carry this as at point of
bayonet. Why, my hearers, there are some of you who never worship God. I
know you go up to his house, but then it is only to be seen, or to quiet
your conscience by having done your duty. How many of you merchants aim
only to accumulate a fortune! How many of you tradesmen are living only
for your families! How many young men breathe only for pleasure! How many
young women exist only for amusement and vanity. I fear that some among
you make your belly your god, and bow down to your own personal charms or
comforts. Talk of idolaters! They are here to-day! If we desire to preach
to those who break the first and second commandments we have no need to go
to Hindostan, or traverse the plains of Africa. They are here. Unto you
who bow not before the Lord let these words be given, and let them ring in
your ears覧"The Lord whose name is jealous, is a jealous
God." Who shall stand before him when once he is angry? When his
jealousy burneth like fire and smoketh like a furnace, who shall endure
the day of his wrath. Beware, lest he tear you in pieces, and there be
none to deliver. Dreadful shall it be for you, if at the last you shall
behold an angry God sitting in judgment. Pause now and meditate upon your
doom, and think you see the Almighty robed in tempest and whirlwind.
"His throne a seat of dreadful
wrath, Girt with devouring flame; The Lord appears consuming fire, And
Jealous is his name."
God save you for Jesus' sake.
He that made heaven and earth has a right to rule his
creatures as he wills. The potter hath power over the clay to fashion it
according to his own good pleasure, and the creatures being made are bound
to be obedient to their Lord. He has a right to issue commands, he has
done so覧they are holy, and just, and wise; men are bound to obey,
but, alas, they continually revolt against his sovereignty, and will not
obey him; nay, there be men who deny altogether that he is lying of kings,
and others who take counsel together saying, "Let us break his bands
in sunder, and cast away his cords from us." He that sitteth in the
heavens is moved to jealousy by these sins, and will defend the rights of
his crown against all comers, for the Lord is a great God, and a great
King above all gods.This reminds us of the Lord's hatred of sin.
Every time we sin, we do as much as say, "I do not acknowledge God to
be my sovereign; I will do as I please." Each time we speak an
ill-word we really say, "My tongue is my own, he is not Lord over my
lips." Yea, and everytime the human heart wandereth after evil, and
lusteth for that which is forbidden, it attempts to dethrone God, and to
set up the Evil One in his place. The language of sin is "Who is the
Lord that I should obey his voice; I will not have God to reign over
me." Sin is a deliberate treason against the majesty of God, an
assault upon his crown, an insult offered to his throne. Some sins,
especially, have rebellion written on their forehead覧presumptuous
sins, when a man's conscience has been enlightened, and he knows better,
and yet still forsakes the good and follows after evil; when a man's
conscience has been aroused through some judgment, or sickness, or under a
faithful ministry; if that man returns, like a dog to his vomit, he has,
indeed, insulted the sovereignty of God. But have we not all done this,
and are there not some here in particular of whom we once had good hope,
but who have turned back again to crooked ways? Are there not some of you
who, Sabbath after Sabbath, get your consciences so quickened that you
cannot be easy in sin as others are and though you may, perhaps, indulge
in sin, yet it costs you very dearly, for you know better? Did I not hear
of one who sits in these seats often, but is as often on the ale bench?
Did I not hear of another who can sing with us the hymns of Zion, but is
equally at home with the lascivious music of the drunkard? Do we not know
of some who in their business are anything but what they should be, yet
for a show can come up to the house of God? Oh, sirs, oh, sirs, ye do
provoke the Lord to jealousy! Take heed, for when he cometh out of his
resting-place, and taketh to himself his sword and buckler, who are you
that you should stand before the dread majesty of His presence! Tremble
and be still! Humble yourselves, and repent of this your sin. Surely, if
sin attacks the sovereignty of God, self-righteousness is equally
guilty of treason: for as sin boasts, "I will not keep God's
law," self-righteousness exclaims, "I will not be saved in God's
way; I will make a new road to heaven; I will not bow before God's grace;
I will not accept the atonement which God has wrought out in the person of
Jesus; I will be my own redeemer; I will enter heaven by my own strength,
and glorify my own merits." The Lord is very wroth against
self-righteousness. I do not know of anything against which his fury
burneth more than against this, because this touches him in a very tender
point, it insults the glory and honor of his Son Jesus Christ. Joshua said
to the children of Israel when they promised to keep the law覧"Ye
cannot serve the Lord, for he is an holy God; he is a jealous God; and he
will not forgive your transgressions nor your sins." So I may well
say to every self-righteous person, "You cannot keep the law, for God
is a jealous God," carefully marking every fault, and just to mark
your iniquities; nor will he forgive your iniquities so long as you
attempt to win his favor by works of law. Throw away thy
self-righteousness, thou proud one; cast it with all other idols to the
moles and to the bats, for there is no hope for thee so long as thou dost
cling to it. Self-righteousness is in itself the very height and
crowning-point of rebellion against God. For a man to say, "Lord, I
have not sinned," is the gathering-up, the emphasis, the climax of
iniquity, and God's jealousy is hot against it.Let me add, dear friends, I feel persuaded that false
doctrine, inasmuch as it touches God's sovereignty, is always an
object of divine jealousy. Let me indicate especially the doctrines of
free-will. I know there are some good men who hold and preach them, but I
am persuaded that the Lord must be grieved with their doctrine though he
forgives them their sin of ignorance. Free-will doctrine覧what does
it? It magnifies man into God; it declares God's purposes a nullity, since
they cannot be carried out unless men are willing. It makes God's will a
waiting servant to the will of man, and the whole covenant of grace
dependent upon human action. Denying election on the ground of injustice
it holds God to be a debtor to sinners, so that if he gives grace to one
he is bound to do so to all. It teaches that the blood of Christ was shed
equally for all men and since some are lost, this doctrine ascribes the
difference to man's own will, thus making the atonement itself a powerless
thing until the will of man gives it efficacy. Those sentiments dilute the
scriptural description of man's depravity, and by imputing strength to
fallen humanity, rob the Spirit of the glory of his effectual grace: this
theory says in effect that it is of him that willeth, and of him
that runneth, and not of God that showeth mercy. Any doctrine, my
brethren, which stands in opposition to this truth覧"I will have
mercy on whom I will have mercy," provokes God's jealousy. I often
tremble in this pulpit lest I should utter anything which should oppose
the sovereignty of my God; and though you know I am not ashamed to preach
the responsibility of man to God覧if God be a sovereign, man must be
bound to obey him覧on the other hand, I am equally bold to preach that
God has a right to do what he wills with his own, that he giveth no
account of his matters and none may stay his hand, or say unto him,
"What doest thou?" I believe that the free-will heresy assails
the sovereignty of God, and mars the glory of his dominion. In all
faithfulness, mingled with sorrow, I persuade you who have been deluded by
it, to see well to your ways and receive the truth which sets God on high,
and lays the creature in the dust. "The Lord reigneth," be this
our joy. The Lord is our King, let us obey him and defend to the death the
crown rights of the lying of kings, for he is a jealous God.While tarrying upon this subject, I ought also to remark
that all the boastings of ungodly men, whenever they exalt
themselves, seeing that they are a sort of claim of sovereignty, must be
very vexatious to God, the Judge of all. When you glory in your own power,
you forget that power belongeth only unto God, and you provoke his
jealousy. When kings, parhaments, or synods, trespass upon the sacred
domains of conscience, and say to men, "Bow down, that we may go over
you"覧when we make attempts to lord over another man's judgment,
and to make our own opinions supreme, the Lord is moved to jealousy, for
he retains the court of conscience for himself alone to reign in. Let us
humbly bow before the dignity of the Most High, and pay our homage at his
"Glory to th' eternal King, Clad in
majesty supreme! Let all heaven his praises sing, Let all worlds his power
proclaim.O let my transported soul Ever on his
glories gaze! Ever yield to his control, Ever sound his lofty
Let us crown him every day! Let our holy obedience, let
our devout lives, let our hearty acquiescence in all his will, let our
reverent adoration before the greatness of his majesty, all prove that we
acknowledge him to be King of kings, and Lord of lords, lest we provoke a
jealous God to anger.
God's glory is the result of his nature and acts. He is
glorious in his character, for there is such a store of everything that is
holy, and good, and lovely in God, that he must be glorious. The actions
which flow from his character, the deeds which are the outgoings of his
inner nature, these are glorious too; and the Lord is very careful that
all flesh should see that he is a good, and gracious, and just God; and he
is mindfill, too, that his great and mighty acts should not give glory to
others, but only to himself. How, careful, then, should we be when we
do anything for God, and God is pleased to accept of our doings, that we
never congratulate ourselves. The minister of Christ should unrobe
himself of every rag of praise. "You preached well," said a
friend to Jolin Bunyan one morning. "You are too late," said
honest Jolin, "the devil told me that before I left the pulpit."
The devil often tells God's servants a great many things which they should
be sorry to hear. Why, you can hardly be useful in a Sunday School but he
will say to you覧"How well you have done it!" You can
scarcely resist a temptation, or set a good example, but he will be
whispering to you覧"What an excellent person you must be!"
It is, perhaps, one of the hardest struggles of the Christian life to
learn this sentence覧"Not unto us, not unto us, but unto thy name
be glory." Now God is so jealous on this point that, while he will
forgive his own servants a thousand things, this is an offense for which
he is sure to chasten us. Let a believer once say, "I am," and
God will soon make him say "I am not." Let a Christian begin to
boast, "I can do all things," without adding "through
Christ which strengtheneth me," and before long he will have to
groan, "I can do nothing," and bemoan himself in the dust. Many
of the sins of true Christians, I do not doubt, have been the result of
their glorifying themselves. Many a man has been permitted by God to stain
a noble character and to ruin an admirable reputation, because the
character and the reputation had come to be the man's own, instead of
being laid, as all our crowns must be laid, at the feet of Christ. Thou
mayest build the city, but if thou sayest with Nebuchadnezzar,
"Behold this great Babylon which I have builded!" thou shalt be
smitten to the earth. The worms which ate Herod when he gave not God the
glory are ready for another meal; beware of vain glory!How careful ought we to be to walk humbly before the
Lord. The moment we glorify ourselves, since there is room for one
glory only in the universe, we set ourselves up as rivals to the Most
High. Penitent souls are always accepted, because they are not in God's
way; proud souls are always rejected, because they are in God's way. Shall
the insect of an hour glorify itself against the Sun which warmed it into
life? Shall the potsherd exalt itself above the man that fashioned it upon
the wheel? Shall the dust of the desert strive with the whirlwind? Or the
drops of the ocean struggle with the tempest? O thou nothingness and
vanity, thou puny mortal called man, humble thyself and reverence thy
Great Creator.Let us see to it that we never misrepresent God, so
as to rob him of his honour. If any minister shall preach of God so as
to dishonor him, God will be jealous against that man. I fear that the
Lord hath heavy wrath against those who lay the damnation of man at God's
door, for they dishonor God, and he is very jealous of his name. And
those, on the other hand, who ascribe salvation to man must also be
heavily beneath God's displeasure, for they take from him his glory. Ah,
thieves! ah, thieves! will ye dare to steal the crown-jewels of the
universe! Whither go ye, whither bear ye the bright pearls which ought to
shine upon the brow of Christ? To put them on the brow of man? Stop! stop!
for the Lord will not give his glory to another! Give unto the Lord, all
ye righteous, give unto the Lord glory and strength; give unto him the
honor that is due unto his name! Any doctrine which does not give all the
honor to God must provoke him to jealousy.Be careful, dear friends, that you do not misrepresent
God yourselves. You who murmur; you who say that God deals hardly
with you, you give God an ill character; when you look so melancholy,
worldlings say, "The religion of Jesus is intolerable;" and so
you stain the honor of God. Oh, do not do this, for he is a jealous God,
and he will surely use the rod upon you if you do.A flash of holy pleasure crosses my mind. I am glad that
he is a jealous God. It is enough to make us walk very carefully, but, at
the same time, it should make us very joyful to think that the Lord is
very jealous of his own honor. Then, brethren, if we believe in Christ,
you and I are safe, because it would dishonor him if we were not; for his
own name's sake and for his faithfulness' sake, he will never leave one of
his people; since "His honor is engaged to save the meanest of his
sheep." Now, if Christ could trifle with his own honor, if he had no
jealousy, you and I might be afraid that he would suffer us to perish; but
it never shall be. It shall be said on earth and sung in heaven at the
last, that God has suffered no dishonorable defeats from the hands of
either men or devils. "I chose my people," saith the Eternal
Father, "and they are mine now that I make up my jewels."
"I bought my people," saith the eternal Son, "I became a
surety for them before the Most High, and the infernal one could not rend
the meanest of the sheep." "I quickened my people," saith
the Holy Spirit; the temptations of hell could not throw them down; their
own corruptions could not overpower them; I have gotten the victory in
every one of them, not one of them is lost; they are all brought safely to
my right hand." Hide yourselves, then, under the banner of Jehovah's
jealousy. It is bloody red, I know; its ensign bears a thunderbolt and a
flame of fire; but hide yourselves, hide yourselves under it, for what
enemy shall reach you there? If it be to God's glory to save me, I am
entrenched behind munitions of stupendous rock. If it would render God
inglorious to let me, a poor sinner, descend into hell; if it would open
the mouths of devils and make men say that God is not faithful to his
promise, then am I secure, for God's glory is wrapped up with my
salvation, and the one cannot fail because the other cannot be tarnished.
Beloved, let us mind that we be very jealous of God's glory ourselves
since he is jealous of it. Let us say with Elijah覧"I am very
jealous for the Lord God of hosts." May our lives, and conduct, and
conversation prove that we are jealous of our hearts lest they should once
depart from him; and may we smite with stern and unrelenting hand every
sin and every thought of pride that might touch the glory of our gracious
God; living to him as living before a jealous God.IV. In the highest sense, THE LORD IS JEALOUS OVER
HIS OWN PEOPLE.Let me only hint, that human jealousy, although it will
exercise itself over man's reputation, rights, and honor, hath one
particularly tender place: jealousy guardeth, like an armed man, the
marriage-covenant. A suspicion here is horrible. Even good old Jacob,
when he came to die, could not look upon his son Reuben without
remembering his offense. "He went up to my couch," said the old
man覧and, as if the remembrance was too painful for him, he hurried on
from Reuben to the next. The Lord has been graciously pleased to say of
his people, "I am married unto you." The covenant of grace is a
marriage-covenant, and Christ's Church has become his spouse. It is here
that God's jealousy is peculiarly liable to take fire. Men cannot be God's
favourites without being the subjects of his watchfulness and jealousy:
that which might be looked over in another will be chastened in a member
of Christ. As a husband is jealous of his honor, so is the Lord Jesus much
concerned for the purity of his Church.The Lord Jesus Christ, of whom I now speak, is very
jealous of your love, O believer. Did he not choose you? He cannot
hear that you should choose another. Did he not buy you with his own
blood? He cannot endure that you should think you are your own, or that
you belong to this world. He loved you with such a love that he could not
stop in heaven without you; he would sooner die than that you should
perish; he stripped himself to nakedness that he might clothe you with
beauty; he bowed his face to shame and spitting that he might lift you up
to honor and glory, and he cannot endure that you should love the world,
and the things of the world. His love is strong as death towards you, and
therefore will be cruel as the grave. He will be as a cruel one towards
you if you do not love him with a perfect heart. He will take away that
husband; he will smite that child; he will bring you from riches to
poverty, from health to sickness, even to the gates of the grave, because
he loves you so much that he cannot endure that anything should stand
between your heart's love and him. Be careful Christians, you that are
married to Christ; remember, you are married to a jealous husband.He is very jealous of your trust. He will not
permit you to trust in an arm of flesh. He will not endure that you should
hew out broken cisterns, when the overflowing fountain is always free to
you. When we come up from the wilderness leaning upon our Beloved, then is
our Beloved glad, but when we go down to the wilderness leaning on some
other arm; when we trust in our own wisdom or the wisdom of a friend覧worst
of all, when we trust in any works of our own, he is angry, and will smite
us with heavy blows that he may bring us to himself.He is also very jealous of our company. It were
well if a Christian could see nothing but Christ. When the wife of a
Persian noble had been invited to the coronation of Darius, the question
was asked of her by her husband覧"Did you not think the king a
most beautiful man?" and her answer was覧"I cared not to
look at the king; my eyes are for my husband only, for my heart is
his." The Christian should say the same. There is nothing beneath the
spacious arch of heaven comparable to Christ: there should be no one with
whom we converse so much as with Jesus. To abide in him only, this is true
love; but to commune with the world, to find solace in our comforts, to be
loving this evil world, this is vexing to our jealous Lord. Do you not
believe that nine out of ten of the troubles and pains of believers are
the result of their love to some other person than Christ? Nail me to thy
cross, thou bleeding Savior! Put thy thorn-crown upon my head to be a
hedge to keep my thoughts within its bound! O for a fire to burn up all my
wandering loves. O for a seal to stamp the name of my Beloved indelibly
upon my heart! O love divine expel from me all carnal worldly loves, and
fill me with thyself!Dear friends, let this jealousy which should keep us
near to Christ be also a comfort to us, for if we be married to
Christ, and he be jealous of us, depend upon it this jealous husband will
let none touch his spouse. Joel tells us that the Lord is jealous for his
land, and Zechariah utters the word of the Lord, "I am jealous for
Jerusalem, and for Zion with a great jealousy;" and then he declares
that he will punish the heathen. And will he not avenge his own elect who
cry unto him day and night? There is not a hard word spoken but the Lord
shall avenge it! There is not a single deed done against us, but the
strong hand of him who once died but now lives for us, shall take terrible
vengeance upon all his adversaries. I am not afraid for the Church of God!
I tremble not for the cause of God! Our jealous Husband will never let his
Church be in danger, and if any smite her he will give them double for
every blow. The gates of hell shall not prevail against his Church, but
she shall prevail against the gates of hell. Her jealous Husband shall
roll away her shame; her reproach shall be forgotten; her glory shall be
fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners,
for he that is jealous of himself is jealous for her fair fame. The
subject is large and deep; let us prove that we understand it, by
henceforth walking very carefully; and if any say "Why are you so
precise?" let this be our answer覧"I serve a jealous

Site created by Tom Walker