Dr. Paul Tassell Sermons

Jeremiah 3
In this chapter Jeremiah deplores the backslidden condition
of Judah. The baseness of this sin is seen in at least three areas
of particular importance. Judah had fallen from greatness to
baseness in these three areas.
I. From LOVE to PROSTITUTION. Jeremiah 3:1-9
A. God's love remained constant.
B. Israel's love became corrupt.
C. Judah's sin was compounded.
II. From LEADERSHIP to PERVERSION. Jeremiah 3:10-14
A. Treachery abounded.
B. Transgression acknowledged.
C. Tumult as a result.
III. From LAW to PROMISCUITY. Jeremiah 3:15-25
A. God's Word was ignored.
B. God's will was spurned.
C. God's wealth was lost.
The amazing thing about this entire drama is the willingness
of God to receive the erring Judah back if she will simply repent
and return to the God who loves her.
