Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It
Is To Men As They Are

"Preach The Word"

Dr. Paul Tassell Sermons

Jeremiah 25:4-6
Three times in this chapter an identical phrase appears which
should catch our attention. "Ye have not hearkened unto me,"
said the Lord. Each time the phrase appears it is in connection
with some part of God's plan to call back His people from their
idolatry, but the people would not stop, look, and listen.
I. God's PROVISION Spurned. Jeremiah 25:3
A. By trying to substitute other things.
B. By trying to imitate other nations.
C. By trying to falsify their own religion.
II. God's PROPHETS Ignored. Jeremiah 25:4
A. By refusing them an audience.
B. By rejecting them as austere.
C. By resenting them as authoritative.
III. God's PATIENCE Mocked. Jeremiah 25:6, 7
A. By procrastination.
B. By prevarication.
C. By provocation. 25:7
What a sad commentary on this people and on the people of
today: "Ye have not hearkened." God's provision is so great;
God's prophets proclaim such a great message; God is so longsuffering
and patient; yet men still will not hearken.
