Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

Dr. Paul Tassell Sermons



Jeremiah 41
The people and events of Jeremiah 41 are a picture of the
ungodly, unregenerate world. Gedaliah, Ishmael and Johanan
represent a world that is characterized by greed, deception,
broken promises, and sinful tragedies. The words of James 4:2
are applicable to this world: "Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and
desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war." What a
good description of the events of Jeremiah 41!

I. UNPRINCIPLED POWER at work. Jeremiah 41:1-3
A. Senseless murder.
B. Stupid meanness.
C. Sinful madness.

II. UNBRIDLED LUST on the loose. Jeremiah 41:4-10
A. Greedy for life.
B. Greedy for loot.
C. Greedy for luxury.

III. UNRELENTING FEAR on the prowl. Jeremiah 41:17, 18:
"And they departed . . . because of the Chaldeans: for
they were afraid of them."
A. The wicked flee when no man pursues.
B. The wicked are snared by fear of man.
C. "There is no fear of God before their eyes" (Romans

What a confused, muddled and mad world we are living in
today. Without Christ at the helm, the ship of state is surely
headed for the rocks.


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