Text: Lk.19:10 Introduction: Zacchaeus was a tax collecter who collected taxes for the Roman government. He was hated by the people. One day Jesus was passing through Jericho on the way to Jerusalem. Everyone wanted to see Jesus, including Zacchaeus. Since Zacchaeus was a short man, he needed a way to see Jesus. He climbed a tree along the way that he knew Jesus was coming. Christ was the "friend of sinners." Christ died for the guilty and for the outcast. What thoughts passed through the mind of Zacchaeus as Jesus passed by that day.
I. HE THOUGHT--JESUS SEES ME See Job 34:21. Christ sees you as well as he did Zacchaeus. He sees the secret unspoken thoughts of your mind and the emotions that surge through your heart. A. This Could Be A Disturbing Thought 1. To the lost sinner 2. To the wayward Christian B. This Could Be A Comforting Thought See 1 Cor. 16:9. He sees us in trials, temptations and hard times.
II. HE THOUGHT JESUS KNOWS ME Jesus knew his name and called it out. See Isa.45:4; Psm.103:14; Luke 16:15. A. Be Honest In Prayer There is no need to pretend with God. He knows everything about you. B. Be Honest In Living Since God knows your life, and sees all, live honestly.
III. HE THOUGHT, JESUS LOVES ME Most of the people hated Zacchaeus. He was not welcome in their homes. Something in the face of Jesus wooed the publican. God loves you in spite of your unloveliness. See Romans 5:8.
IV. HE THOUGHT, JESUS WANTS ME He rushed to get down out of the tree. With haste he went down and led Jesus to his home. Why does Jesus want you? A. To Glorify Him Nothing does than more than a transformed life. B. To Serve Him God had something for him to do. C. To Love Him God wants to be loved by mankind.
V. HE SAID, JESUS CAN HAVE ME. It was a wonderful day in his life when he turned his business, heart, home, heart and life over to the Lord Jesus Christ.
CONCLUSION: You would be wise to follow Jesus. That decision is something that you will never regret. Let Him be Lord and Leader. SERMON FROM DR. TOM WALKER- PASTOR ZION HILL BAPTIST CHURCH- MARION, NC -USA |