Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

What God Requires Of A Pastor


Text: 1 Tim 3:1-7

This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach; Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous; One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity, (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?) Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil. Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.



As churches call a man to be their pastor, there are certain things that the church should be looking for as they call someone to be their spiritual leader or their pastor.

There are various criteria that people use in determining the kind of pastor they desire.

1. Education- It is good to consider a man’s educational background, but there are other matters to consider which are more important. I believe what education does it sharpens a person’s spiritual axe, to help make them more efficient and effective in the work of God. If I did not have an education I certainly would not brag about it. GOD PUTS NO PREMIUM ON IGNORANCE WHATSOEVER. If you are ignorant, you do not have to tell people, they will find out soon enough.

2. Charisma- By that word, I mean winsomeness of personality. That always helps a man in the ministry, but it should not be the only and main consideration. Some of the most powerful preachers I have ever heard did not have all that winsome of a personality.

3. Organizational Capabilities- This is especially true if a church is a larger than average size church. The pastor of a large church must have organizational skills but there are things more important.

4. Some Want A Good Mixer- They want the pastor to be a social whiz that goes to every community event and one who is knocking on a door all of the time. That is not found in this list given in first Timothy. People instead of wanting that-- should desire a man who spends much time in the word of God, studying and praying to minister the Word of God in power and understanding to the flock of God. The pastor is to "feed the flock" ( 1 Pet.5:2). The pastors in the early church desired to give themselves to prayer and the ministry of the Word (Acts 6:4). They wanted those two things to be a "continual" thing unto them. The pastor must have adequate time in the Word of God if he is going to feed the sheep that God has given to him. Visitation is not the primary work of the pastor (although it is a part of his work), but the investigation and the proclamation of the Word of God is the main thing.

It will help us to see what the Bible has to say about the qualifications of a pastor and later on those of the deacons.

Before we get into an exposition of these verses before us I want to share something with you that a member of our church gave me some time ago. These came out of a book entitled, "You Might Be A Preacher If." These things can very well mark the life of a preacher. Also, I am going to add a few of my own to this list:

1. You might be a preacher if people leave while you are talking.

2. You might be a preacher if you had rather negotiate with a terrorist than with the church organist.

3. You might be a preacher if you’ve ever wanted to wish the people a "Merry Christmas" on Easter, because that is the next time you will see them.

4. You might be a preacher is you’ve ever wanted to fire the church and form a congregational search committee.

5. You might be a preacher if you scan the help-wanted adds and resign in your mind on Monday mornings.

6. You might be a preachers if you’d rather talk to people with every head bowed and every eye closed.

7. You might be a preacher if your boss won’t give you Sundays off.

8. You might be a preacher if you have ever had a personality conflict with a deacon–you had one and he didn’t.

9. You might be a preacher if you heard one of your deacons praying, "Lord, you keep him humble and we will keep him poor."

10. You might be a preacher if you have ever received an anonymous phone call.

11. You might be a preacher if you have never been ashamed of the Gospel, but have been occasionally of your church.

12. You might be a preachers if your phone occasionally rings at 3 or 4 AM in the morning.

13. You might be a preacher if everyone expects perfection out of you, when they know themselves that no human is perfect.

14. You might be a preacher if you get blamed for anything that goes wrong in the church.

15. You may be a preacher if when you have given a stinging rebuke at sin, the person involved begins to look at the ceiling, the floor, or else try to "stare you down."

Those observations are quite interesting.

It is an exciting thing to be a pastor. Seldom is there ever a dull moment when you are trying to lead a congregation. Our problem in the church is that all we are trying to lead are not sheep, some of them are goats.

Sheep follow, goats are all the time "butting" something. For instance they say, "I would do that.... but.."

Let’s get into our text and study the words that God gives in relation to the pastor. If we are to understand the Bible, we must understand that God has chosen to reveal Himself in words, thus to understand as we should, we should know what the words of the Bible mean.

Before I get into the text, there is another observation that I feel must be made. There are several N.T. terms in relation to the man of God in the church.

Definition Of A Bishop

1. Bishop- (episkopos)

---- Used 6 times in the N.T.

---- From two words "epi" (on or upon)

"skopos" inspect, investigate or oversee

---- It means to exercise care or oversight over– to see that the things others do are done rightly.

---- The word came from secular life and referred to the foreman of a construction gang–or any guardian or superintendent.

---- How can the pastor exercise care and oversight, if that which goes on does not do so by his approval and knowledge? He cannot unless he has a measure of control.

2. Pastor- (poime)

—Refers to a shepherd or herdsman in a literal sense.

—In reference to the church, it speaks of the under-shepherd of the flock of God.

---- The shepherd does three primary things—He leads, he feeds, and he protects. Christ is the Chief-Shepherd and pastors are the undershepherds. They are to move, not at the instructions of the congregation, but at the commands and instructions of God Almighty.

---- Used 1 time in N.T. (Eph.4:11) and eight times in the Old Testament.


3. Elder- (presbuterous)

---- Can be used of an elder of age or can refer to one who presides over the church.

---- He is the one who presides over the church and seeks her spiritual welfare and furtherance.


4. Overseer- (Acts 20:28)

This again refers to one who sees that things are done right and one who guards because he cares.

The pastor is to manage what is going on in the church and is not to turn it over to the church folks in the sense of allowing anything to come into the church that the members want.

The pastor may have to ‘put the brakes’ on some things and he has every right to do so, because the Bible calls him the "overseer."


5. Minister - (1 Cor. 4:1) "ministers of Christ"

Sometimes the word for deacon (which simply means "servant" is used). In 1 Cor. 4:1 the word, "huperetes"

means an "under-rower" or a "subordinate" rower. The pastor is under the leadership and the command of the Lord Jesus Christ. If he did everything that every member of the church wanted done, then the pastor would not be the servant of Christ. It is the pastor’s job to please the Lord before he seeks to please the congregation.

He is to row, not under the command of a group of deacons or a special interest group in the church, but under the marching orders of God Almighty. As he does that, people that love God get in behind the man of God as he leads them. Sheep follow—goats butt.


6. Angel- If you notice in the early chapters of Revelation, in reference to the seven churches, you will find the letters are written to the "angel"s of the churches that are mentioned (See Rev. 3:14).

In reference to man it simply means a "messenger." The pastor is God’s messenger to the church. Spiritual leadership for the congregation will come through God’s appointed means.


I have had church members through the years that said God told them something new should be added to the church when God did not say anything to me about it. No, God speaks to and through his messenger to the church, His man.


The Bible says "If any man desire the office of a bishop."

The verb "desire" is in the present tense. That speaks of a continual action. The idea is that the desire will remain if you are called of God to preach His Word and minster to His people.

If young man comes to me and tells me He is called to preach I tell him to get out of it if he can. Why would I say something like that? If He is called, he cannot get away from the desire.

"Desire" –"to stretch one’s self out in order to touch or to grasp something."

The word "desire" and "desireth" are two different words.

"Desireth"- found in the latter part of verse 1 is a different word than is found in the first part of the verse.

The second word means "to passionately long after."

It is translated "lust" or "covet."

Again the tense of the verb is present or continual.


As the covetous person would live after money, the preacher should have a strong, overwhelming desire to take care of the people of God and minister to them.



It is called a "good" work. So many people long for vocations that are not good for them. Many folks prostitute their bodies, sell dope and drugs and a host of other things that are just not good.

To "desire" the office of a bishop is a "good" thing.

"Good" means "commendable" or "praiseworthy."

You do not simply choose the ministry for a vocation, but if God calls you, the ministry is a "good" thing. All the minister’s reward will not be found in this life, but there is much coming to the faithful servant when life is over.

Let’s look at the qualifications laid down in the Word of God for God’s preachers who minister in the local church.


I. Blameless (v.2a)

It comes from two little Greek words. One means "to take"(lambano) and the other is "upon" (epi). It also has the negative (a) attached to it. It means, "one who cannot be laid hold upon." His character should be spotless so that he will not cast reproach upon the cause of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Two main things wreck more preachers than any other things: women and money.

A. As to money- He should pay his bills and not be a debt dodger. He may have some credit accounts, but the bills should be paid on time.

The Bible says, "Owe no man anything." I do not believe that is saying it is sinful to have a charge account, but you should seek to pay bills on time and not over-obligated yourself financially.


B. As to women- He must be careful around the younger women in the church lest people start rumors that would hinder his ministry in the local church.

People love to start women tales on preachers. The man of God should be where if that starts, he can honestly say it is not so. Folks who start such kinds of things, if they are just cruel gossip and hearsay, they should be brought before the church and be disciplined.


I realize I cannot be perfect but I do want to be blameless in my living, so as not to bring reproach on the Lord or His work in the local church.


II. Husband Of One Wife (v.2b)

That does not mean:

--- One at a time

----- Or just a one woman man

----- I believe it means just what it says and says just what it means. One wife unless the first wife dies. Then he would be permitted to remarry if he married a Christian (1 Cor. 7:39).

God’s plan for marriage is one man and one woman for a lifetime, and He has never changed that preference of His and never will.

The Bible says God hates the "putting away"(Mal.2:16).

That is another way of saying divorce.

A man is "disqualified" as far as the Bible is concerned when it comes to pastoring, if he has more than one living wife.

I refuse to interpret these words about the marital relationship for the pastor just to fit a sinful society.

A rule of Hermeneutics says, "When the plain sense of Scripture makes common sense, seek no other sense."

This makes good sense to me when compared with the rest of the Word of God.

We are not to bring the Bible down to the level of society but seek to bring the society up to the teachings of the Bible.


If Linda and I were to be divorced, I would no longer be qualified to pastor this church or any church. That does not mean I could not preach as God opened the door, but that I could not longer be a pastor. You would not have to be concerned about me staying on as pastor if that were to happen, I would resign on my own and never pastor another church.

The pastoral office is such a "high office" that God forbids the second marriage for the pastor if he has a living wife or former wife, however you want to say it.

I do not believe this is saying a single man cannot pastor a church. I know some who are and are doing a great job at doing it. Percy Ray was never married, but did a great job pastoring Myrtle Church in Myrtle, Mississippi for many years.


III. Vigilant (v.2)

"To be calm, dispassionate, and circumspect."

The word means "wisely cautious." He is to be a man that is not controlled by his emotions. He needs to know how to "keep his cool" when others are exploding like a bomb.

If he is not, then he will say some things that may wreck his ministry in a local church, if he says them in a fit of anger.

I would not give you a nickel for a preacher who could not get angry when he needs to but so often the anger that is expressed is so unneeded.

If we ask the members to stay under control, so should the pastor.

Anybody can blow their stack. It is a real man who can stay "under control" under difficult circumstances.


IV. Must Be Sober-

"Serious minded or earnest" He must mean business.

That is not to say that a pastor cannot have a sense of humor. You had better know how to laugh. It will help you get through life better. A merry heart "doeth good like medicine"--according to the writer of Proverbs.

He should take his office seriously. It should be view as so important he will seek to fulfill his obligations, fulfill his responsibilities, and wrapped his life up in doing the will of God in that church where God has placed him.

The ministry is no "game"–rather it is a "calling" from God.


If a shepherd does not take his job seriously, then the next thing you know the sheep will wander away and be devoured by wolves and other creatures of prey.

We stand between God and men.

We stand between men and hell.

It is something to take seriously.


V. Must Have Good Behavior

He should not be involved in questionable things.

Again, this should especially be true when it comes to women in the church. Avoid the very appearance of evil when it comes to the opposite sex.

His life should be well ordered.

He should not kid about taking another man’s wife home or anything of the like.


I would not want a pastor who mowed his yard in a pair of bermuda shorts.

I would not want a pastor who did not try to look like a pastor when he went out into public.

I would not want a pastor who wore a pair of jeans to the pulpit and wore a shirt with the top buttons open and having no tie. That is unbecoming to the Gospel and greatly out of place.

He should be a man of "proper etiquette".

He should have an air of "dignity" about him, not look and act like a "wild man."


VI. He Must Be Given To Hospitality

He is to want to be with and around others- preacher friends or others. Like to sit around and talk to and with people.

I remember when I went to be with John Smith in his jubilee at Teays Valley, WV. I had something done for me I had never had done before. He had a fruit basket for me in the motel room with fruit, candy, mints, candy bars and all kinds of others things. I thought, "My how hospitable!" I TRY TO DO THAT FOR OUR GUESTS NOW WHO STAY IN THE MOTEL.

He is to be the kind of fellow that tries to be helpful and friendly to others.

He must like people. Christians were often homeless in the Roman Empire for the life of service to God, so Christians had to take them in.


VIII. He Must Be Apt To Teach


Should be able to teach the Word of God.

Real preaching has an element of teaching, whether it be topical, expository, or textual preaching.

Teach- is to impart truth to others, the giving of instruction

Apt and skillful in teaching.



IX. He Must Be Not Be Given To Wine

The pastor should not be a wine-bibbler but a tee-totaler.

Wine should have no place in his life, rather his mind should never be affected by alcoholic drink. There is plenty for him to drink with out him drinking wine. That will be a stumbling block to others if they know he drinks alcoholic beverage.

Proverbs 23:31 Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright. 32 At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder.


X. He Must Not Be A Striker

Not violent and looking for a fight– one who want to put up his dukes with someone else.

I read of a pastor in Georgia years ago who got into an argument with a deacon and they found themselves in a fist fight. It was put out over associated press. Can you imagine what lost people thought about that?


I have felt the urge at times to punch a church member in the jaw or even a few deacons through the years, but I am so glad that by God’s grace I resisted the temptation. It would have hindered the will of God and the cause of Christ in and through my life.


XI. He Must Not Be Greedy Of Filthy Lucre

The idea is not that he should not desire an adequate salary or benefits. All of us want that , no matter what vocation we have in life.

The word means-" ill gotten or dishonest gain."

He is to handle money properly, both his and the churches. He should not get money from illegitimate sources and from wrong methods. He should not have his stocks in a beer company or in something that is sordid, wrong or dishonest.


XII. He Must Be Patient

XIII. He Must Not Be A Brawler

A fighting preacher will not get very far.


XIV. He Must Rule His Children

He must be over his household.

The children are under his authority.

The wife is not to run the man’s ministry.


XV. Must Not Be A Novice

(new convert)- must have time to grow

XVI. Good Report Of Those Without

A good name in the community.



No pastor is perfect, but he should meet these qualifications.

I want to be that kind of pastor.


Sermon From Dr. Tom Walker
Founder and President-  Preacher's Corner

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