One of the greatest doctrines of the Christian Faith is
the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ from among the dead. If He had
merely died and had not risen, then we would not have a Savior. A dead
Savior cannot save but thank God Jesus ever lives to make intercession
(Heb.7:25). Peter said it was impossible for death to hold Him (Acts
2:24). There are wonderful results of the resurrection of Christ.
It is said during the French Revolution, someone said
to Talleyrand, Bishop of Autun: "The Christian religion–what is it?
It would be easy to start a religion like that." Talleyrand responded
by said, "Oh yes, all one would have to do is to get crucified and
rise again the third day." Let’s consider some of the results of
Christ’s resurrection.
I. Confirmation- It testifies of the deity of the
Lord Jesus Christ. Only God could say, "Destroy this temple (his
body) and in three days I’ll raise it up"(Jn. 2:19). Romans 1:4
says Jesus was declared to be the Son of God by His resurrection from
among the dead. The deity of Christ is both actual and eternal. I would
not want to put my faith in any other place than the true God for my
salvation. Jesus is God!
II. Declaration- See Rom. 4:25. It would be
impossible to have confidence that the Father had accepted the Calvary
work of the Son, had not Jesus arisen from the dead. I believe the moment
Jesus cried, "It is finished" that the Father fully accepted the
work of the Son of God at the cross, to be the payment for the sins of all
who would take Christ as Savior (2 Cor. 5:21). The work of Christ has been
accepted as the means through which a poor lost sinner can be saved.
III. Preparation- The resurrection has made Christ
our High Priest. It helped ready Him to be our Intercessor, Heavenly
Executive, and Defender of His people (1 Tim.2:5,6; Rom. 8:34; Rom. 5:
9,10). Christ not only delivers us from bondage to sin but also intercedes
in the power of an endless life when we fail ( Heb. 7:16).
IV. Realizations- First, there is pardon. A
living Christ has provide repentance, forgiveness and regeneration.
Secondly, there is power. That same power that raise Jesus supplies
for us (Eph. 1:18-20). Thirdly, there is prospect (1 Cor. 15; Jn.
5:28,29). His rising is a guarantee that our bodies will be raise.
Finally, there is proclamation.