Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

The Resurrected Body Of Jesus

One of the key doctrines of the Christian Church is the literal, bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. There should be no debate about the reality of the resurrection of Christ, because He was seen of more than five hundred brethren at one time (1 Cor. 15:6). Paul makes it clear that most of them were still living as he wrote his epistle to the Corinthian church. If Paul were not being factual about Christ’s resurrection, any of those people could have been alive to refute Paul’s claims about the rising of the Lord Jesus. What kind of body did Jesus have in His resurrection?

I. His Body-A Body Actual. It was not a "phantom" body but one composed of flesh and bones (Luke 24:36-43). That body had the marks of the crucifixion (Jn. 20:24-29) and also could be touched (Jn.20:20). The likeness to the earthly body was not eliminated in the new body with which he was raised. They recognized him in this new body that the Lord Jesus received. That should tell us that we will recognize one another in heaven. After his resurrection the body of Jesus still had the places where the nails were driven into it. I believe one way we shall know Him is by the prints of the nails that will remind us of His eternal love for us and also of the great sacrifice He made for you and for me.

II. His Body- A Body Celestial. It had marks and attributes that tells of a relation to the celestial world. It was not just another "human type" body. First, it could pass through doors that were shut. Think of the gathering of the disciples in the upper room with the door shut (Jn.20:19). Secondly, at times it was not recognizable (Luke 24:13-16; Jn.20:14,15; Jn.21:4,12; Mark 16:12). That may have been so either because supernaturally their eyes were not able to see, or because that in the risen life the spiritual controls the material rather than the material the spiritual. Thirdly, Jesus could vanish out of the sight of His friends (Luke 24:31; Jn. 20:19; Luke 24:51; Acts 1:9).

III. His Body- A Body Continual. The resurrection body of Jesus would never see death again. He did die one time, but after His resurrection Jesus said, "I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death. He cannot die again and is the First-fruits (1Cor.15:20).


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