Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

What Jesus’ Resurrection Proved

See Acts 13:33. It clearly says God "raised up Jesus." What a joy to know we serve a living Savior! We are not worshiping a worthless, non-existent God as does the heathen. Christ claimed He would rise from among the dead (Jn. 2:19). Some thought Jesus was talking about the Jewish temple, but He was referring to His body. Christianity begins where all religion ends, with the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. What did the rising of the Lord Jesus Christ prove to us and to others who consider the great fact?

I. It Proved Christ To Be The Son Of God. Read Romans 1:4. The word "declared" comes from a word which has the idea of setting a boundary. It speaks of something that has been decreed or appointed.

Jesus clearly said if they destroyed his temple ( or His body) that He would raise it up again (John 2:19). His coming forth from the grave, says as does all Jesus’ previously done miracles, that He was Gods only begotten Son (Jn. 3:16).

II. It Proved All Christs’ Claims Were True. He never promised one thing that He was unable to fulfill. The Bible pinpoints Christ as the "Faithful and True Witness" (Rev. 3:14). "Faithful" points to His dependablity, while "True Witness" speaks of His impeccability. If the Lord Jesus could accomplish this resurrection He promised, then we certainly can believe Him about any other claims He makes.

III. It Proved That Death Could Not Hold Christ. The Apostle Peter said about the matter that it was "impossible" that Christ could be held down by death (Acts 2:24). The idea is that death could not "restrain" or "master" the Lord Jesus Christ. Death could not "master" the Lord Jesus because Jesus has "all power" (Matt.28:18). Our Savior can break the bonds of death and the grave.

IV. It Proved Christ Has The Power To Save Us. If He could bring about a physical resurrection of Himself, then our Lord can bring about a "spiritual resurrection" in the believing sinner. The Bible says we are " in the heavenly places" (Eph. 1:3) in the Lord Jesus Christ.

V. It Proved Christ Can Raise Our Bodies. Physical death is on the trail of everyone born of Adam’s race. If Christ does not come soon, many of us will face physical death; however, since Jesus has come forth from death, no doubt He can raise us (1 Cor. 6:14).

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