Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are


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"Preach The Word"

The Likenesses of a Mother

The Bible says, "There is a generation that curseth their father, and doth not bless their mother" (Prov.30:11). If a person treats mother as he or she should, mother is not cursed but rather blessed.. It is impossible to exhaust the reasons for a mother’s importance in the home. She is the "hub" on which everything else turns. Due to the multifaceted roles she plays in the home, everyone should see her importance. Everyone in a home depends upon mother more than they could even image they do. Her influence is very great. Let’s consider several things a mother is like in the many roles she assumes.

I. She Is Like A Teacher. The right kind of mother teaches a son or daughter to stay away from alcoholic beverage, gambling, sexual immorality, the wrong kind of company, to be forthright and honest,and how to know and walk with God.. A lot of what we are is partly due in most cases to the right kind of teaching given by a good mother. She teaches the Word of God, the ways of God and the works of God.

II. She Is Like A Nurse. A nurse looks after her patients with diligent care. A nurse is at the beckoning call of the patient. She goes to the person she is taking care of at times when she feels like she needs someone taking care of her. The good nurse is a very unselfish person.

III. She Is Like A Counselor. Some of the best advice a young person will ever receive is from a godly mother. Professional counselors are very expensive, but on the other hand, you can often get some of the best advice "free" from mother. Many of you have given up your mother in death, but those times of heart to heart counseling will never leave you. Death cannot rob us of precious memories.

IV. She Is Like A Friend. Young man or young woman, the best friend you will ever have in this world will be your mother. She qualifies more to be a friend than most of those we "think" are our friends. The Bible says, "A friend loveth at all times" (Prov.17:17). That sounds like a "real" mother to me!

V. She Is To Be Like Christ. Many people have come to know the Lord in the free pardon and forgiveness of sins, because they had a mother, who manifested Christ to them. Wise is that mother who will pray and work to the end that her children can see Jesus in her actions, attitudes, and her accomplishments. Always remember how the godly life of Eunice and the godly grandmother, Lois, affected Timothy (1 Tim. 2:5). Her song should be that of the songwriter, "Oh to be like thee, blessed Redeemer pure as Thou art."



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