Text: 2 Tim.3:1-"Perilous times shall come." Introduction: We are no doubt living in the days just prior to the return of our blessed and wonderful Lord. It would pay for us to take time to take a close look at where we are and see what we need to do about our situation. People are too self-centered. We are too fond of money, brag too much, lifted up in much pride and given over to bitter or abusive words. There is a wide-spread disobedience to parents. Also, people seem to be unthankful and unholy. There are so many other signs such as a lack of love, dearth of forgiveness, scandal-monging, no self control, savage, despisers of good persons, betrayers, hot-headed, loving pleasure more than God. It is a time of religion without God.
I. There Are Dangers To Perceive. There is no need for a person to bury his or her head in the sand like an ostrich and pretend nothing is going on around us. A. Departure- Some today have departed from the faith and given heed to the wrong doctrine ( 1 Tim. 4:1). B. Denial- So many have denied the Holy One, the Lord Jesus access to their lives (Acts 3:14). C. Desperation- The Y2K problem with computer chips is going to cause the world a great deal of problems when the year 2000 rolls around. Preparation should be made by each of us, lest the problem be much worse than we think and we be caught off guard. D. Deadness- It is sad that many will accept a "form of godliness" rather than want to see Gods power revealed in the salvation of precious souls. E. Disturbances- Jesus said they would be "wars and rumors of war" (Matt.24:6). At the times of this writing many of our soldiers are in harms way over Yugoslavia.
II. There Are Duties To Perform. A. Watch- 1 Peter 4:7 tells us the end is near, so we should,"Watch unto prayer." Make prayer a very vital and important part of your life (1 Thess.5:17). B. Wait- 1 Thess.1:10 says we are to, "Wait for His Son from heaven, even Jesus." It will not be in vain. C. Work- Titus 3:1 says, "Be ready unto every good work." We must work for the night is coming. D. Witness- As you are filled with Gods Spirit, it will be a spontaneous reaction (Acts 1:8) to witness.
III. There Is A Dear Lord To Preach. A. Preach Him With Power. See 2 Cor.4:7 which tells us that the excellency of the power is of God, not of us. B. Preach Him With Purpose. There should be at least a four- fold purpose when we preach. 1- Gratify the Savior 2- Glorify the Savior 3- Get Someone Saved 4- Gladden and Grow the Saints. C. Preach Him With Personal Knowledge (Phil.3:10) |