Text: Matt. 14:25-33 Introduction: This passage reveals an instance where the Lord Jesus went walking unto his disciples in the midst of a stormy sea. The Sea of Galilee is notorious for the storms that suddenly arise, as the air currents rush down the steep hills, which stand around a part of the Sea of Galilee. I have been to Galilee and seen a storm arise abruptly. With little warning they often come in fury. Christ will not leave his disciples alone in the midst of the storm., because He loves His own. He does not keep us from the storms, but He assures us that He is with us in the midst of all of them. Let’s consider several things that can be observed when we consider the presence of our blessed Lord. I. The Problem Of His Presence The Bible says, "They were troubled" (Matt 14:26. The Scriptures also informs us that "They cried out for fear" (Matt 14:26). Why were they in this shape? They did not recognize Jesus. Most of the problems in our churches come because many do not recognize what the presence of Jesus is and how it is manifested, thus all kinds of substitutes for Him are brought into our local fellowships. We should pray for wisdom and insight that we might always recognize the Lord- His works and His ways. II. The Proof Of His Presence Jesus said clearly to those disciples, "Be of good cheer, it is I, be not afraid" (Matt. 14:27). It seems we can hear His still small voice inside just when we need to hear it most. His voice lets us know that He is there. III. The Permission Of His Presence Since Peter had doubt in his heart, Jesus allowed him to walk a short distance on the water. Peter’s faith failed and faltered when he took his eyes off the Lord Jesus Christ and put them on the waves of the sea. Christ was willing for Peter to put Him to the test. IV. The Power Of His Presence He began to sink and cried out, "Lord, save me" (Matt. 14:30). Jesus did two main things. First, He stretched his hand out to Peter. Secondly, He saved Peter out of the troubled waters. That’s just like Jesus! Call upon Him and He will save. V. The Praise of His Presence The Bible tells us that those in the ship, "Came and worshipped him saying, Of a truth thou art the Son of God" (Matt.14:33). We so often fail and come short of what we ought to be, but His sweet presence lifts us. His very presence should bring heartfelt praise toward Him. When I sense His presence, I desire to adore Christ. Hallelujah for His eternal, permanent, never ending love! Jesus. He makes ALL the difference. Conclusion: Let’s make sure we prize and treasure the presence of the Lord Sermon by Dr. Tom Walker |