Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are

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"Preach The Word"

Why Not Just Thank God?

2 Samuel 22:50 says, "Therefore I will give thanks unto thee, O LORD, among the heathen, and I will sing praises unto thy name." We are living in a society that fails to show gratitude as we should each day. That is true in the realm of our relationships with one another, and also true of Christians toward their Heavenly Father. It seems that many people think everyone owes them something, rather than seeking to give something lasting and eternal to someone else. This is an ego-centric society or what some called the "Me, my and mine generation." There are several things, as saints of God, for which we should be thankful.

I. Be Thankful For Our Faith. Where would you be today if it were not for your faith in God? First, our faith is a life changing faith. When we trusted Christ as Lord and Savior, it changed our lives forever. Then, our faith is a life charting faith. It is the person who has faith that trusts God to chart out the direction of his or her life. Also, it is a life challenging faith. Faith will trust when it does not fully understand. Think of Abraham who trusted God, left the Ur of the Chaldees under the direction of the Lord (Gen.12:1). He could do and dare for God.

II. Be Thankful For Our Friends. An old Puritan, Charles Bridges said, "If you have found one friend in a lifetime, you have found a great treasure." That was one of his comments on Prov.17:17 that says, " A friend loveth at all times." A friend is one who is there standing by your side when everyone else has left and forsaken you. A friend is a great treasure. To have friends, make yourself friendly (Prov.18:24).

III. Be Thankful For Our Foes. I think of David who found Saul to be a great foe. I am glad that foes keep us on our toes. You do not get as careless in your behavior when you know there are those looking on trying to find fault with your life and ministry. As well, foes keep us on our knees. We tend to seek God more when the pressure is great.

IV. Be Thankful For Our Family. It is within the family unit that we find true fulfillment in living. The Lord formed a family unit before He did the church, thus, it must be important in the sight of God.

V. Be Thankful For Our Fortress. Psalms 91:2 says, " I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust." A "fortress" is an place of exceptional security or a stronghold

It is a well fortified place. Rejoice and be glad for the security the Lord offers to you because of Calvary. No wonder the songwriter wrote the song that says, "A Mighty Fortress is Our God."

Mini-Sermon From Tom Walker
Zion Hill Baptist--Marion, NC-USA

The Fundamental Top 500

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