The Psalmist said in Psm. 147:7, "Sing unto the
Lord with thanksgiving." As we walk through the Bible, it becomes evident that God
intends a spirit of thanksgiving be the possession of all His people. Our singing should
be accompanied with thanksgiving, since God is the source of everything good that has ever
entered into our lives. It should not take a special national holiday to motivate and
stimulate us to give thanks to the Lord. It should be an all year expression that should
arise out of and from the redeemed life. All blessings flow from Him. Consider three
things that will incite us and move us to be more thankful to God.
I. Looking Out Will Stimulate Us To Thanksgiving.
First, looking out at the beautiful scenery will arouse
us (Psm.147:8). God has made a beautiful world for us to live in and enjoy. Only God could
create the natural beauty that never ceases to amaze us. Secondly, looking out at broken
sinners will arouse us (See Luke 15- the prodigal son). Seeing people whose lives
sin has wrecked should not give you an air of superiority as a Christian, but rather a
spirit of thankfulness that God has brought you out by His great grace. Thirdly, looking
out at Gods bountiful supply will arouse us (Phil.4:19). God has
granted us far more than we have deserved.
II. Looking In Will Stimulate Us To Thanksgiving. When we look
inward, what do we see? In the first place, there is a new possession (2
Pet. 1:4). All born again people have a "divine nature." We would have no
inclination to holiness of thought and life without it. In the second place, there is a new
person. The Holy Spirit of God comes to take up abode in the heart of everyone
saved by grace ( Rom.8:9). In the last place, there is a new peace (Psm.
119:165). The wicked do not know real, satisfying, lasting peace ( Isa. 57:21), but saints
III. Looking Up Will Stimulate Us To Thanksgiving. When we look
toward heaven through the eyes of the Bible we see several things. Number one, a pleading
Christ ( 1 Jn. 2:1). As our Heavenly Lawyer He represents us before the throne of
God. Then, we also see a powerful Christ (Psm.147:15-19). It is obvious when
God unleashes His omnipotent power that no one can successfully stand against Him. Last
but not least, the perception of Christ will move us toward thanksgiving. In
Acts 7:55, when Stephen was being stoned we see Jesus standing. He gave attention to the
plight of His servantgodly Stephen. Never have an attitude of ingratitude.