Dedicated To The Men of God Who Preach the Word of God As It Is To Men As They Are


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"Preach The Word"

It's Amazing What Jesus Can Do For You

Text: Acts 3:1-16


    In the account before us a man who is lame sits begging at the gate of temple at the ninth hour of prayer. There was a man where who could not walk or make a living for himself, so he sat begging alms at the gate. He figured some of the worshipers would have pity on him and share some money so he could buy the necessities for daily living.

    Little did he realize he would receive the best thing that day he could ever possess in this life—salvation and deliverance through the power and name of Jesus.

   God uses human instrumentality often to carry out His purposes. Thank God Peter and John were available for God to use them.  If he can used a donkey as he did with Balaam, a raven as he did with Elijah, and a little maid to get help for Naaman, then surely God can use a person who will submit himself or herself unto the Lord. You might say, "I don’t have much to offer to the Lord." Well, we can rejoice for little is much when God is in it–labor not for wealth or fame—there’s a crown and you can win it—if you go, in Jesus’ name."

So many people do not realize just what the Lord Jesus Christ is able to do for them. Stuart Hamblin used to sing–"It is no secret, what God can do, what He’s done for others, He’ll do for you, with arms wide open, He’ll pardon you, it is no secret, what God can do."

Let’s consider this wonderful event that happen hundreds of years ago. At the same time, remember the same thing is still happening today. The Lord is still delivering people through His holy and mighty name.

Consider the following:

A Lame Man
A Longing Man
A Liberated Man

I. A Lame Man-(Acts 3:1).

   A. The Timing Of It (from birth)

Psalms 51:5 says, " Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me."

Psalms 58:3 declares, " The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies."

One does not become a sinner by what he or she does. He or she is born that way with the taint of sin–with Adam’s blood and nature.

  B. The Trouble From It

     1. A Lack of Substance- living on poverty level

     2. A Lack of Satisfaction- lacked satisfaction

  C. The Testimony Of It

It testifies of the condition of every person born of Adam’s race- Rom. 5:12


II. A Longing Man

    He knew there was something better than what he had at that present time. The things of God are better than what the world has to offer.

    He longed to be delivered from the condition that kept him from walking and doing what he could do if health was restored.

    Many times he probably sat and said, "Oh, if I could only walk–if there were only some way that I could be delivered." There seem to be no way, until God’s men came by with a message about the Lord Jesus. That is the way out. God has to send His message by His messenger.

    A. He Longed For Peace- His life was very troubled due to his               condition              

    B. He Longed For Purpose- He had no real aim for living.

    C. He Longed For Power- There was no strength to walk.


III  A Liberated Man

     How? His deliverance was by faith. Acts 3:16 declares: " And his name through faith in his name hath made this man strong, whom ye see and know: yea, the faith which is by him hath given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all."

A.View Him Hearing (v.6) "Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have give I thee, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk."

B. View Him Obeying (v.6b. "Rise up and walk)

"Immediately his feet and ankle bones recieved strength."

C. View Him Leaping (v.8a) He leaped up before He walked. He simply jumped up into the air. He was not ashamed to express his emotions. He was glad and did not care who knew about it.

D. View Him Walking (v.8b)

   You cannot walk right until you have the saving touch of Jesus upon your life. When you get right with God your walk changes. "Walk in newness of life"(Rom.6:4).

E. View Him Praising (v.8c)

"God inhabits the praise of His people."


What can Jesus do for you?

Whatever you need for Him to do tonight, He is able to do.

He is everything from Alpha to Omega.

He is the first and the last.

Know Him–love Him- serve Him.

It is amazing what Jesus can do for you if you will just let Him.

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